From the Year 1 Classroom
Hello Grade 1 Families,
It only feels like yesterday when we were writing the last newsletter entry, the weeks are going way too fast!
In Literacy, we have continued on our learning of the procedural genre. We have had some very entertaining pieces of writing, with ‘How to Annoy Mum or Dad’ being a highlight of our procedural writing this week. Surprisingly, ha ha, the sweet little children had lots of ideas on how to or how they do annoy Mum or Dad at home. Over the next couple of weeks we are very excited to be teaming up with Bunnings to combine and apply our learning from our Procedural Texts ‘How To’ unit and Geography ‘sustainability’ unit. We thank in advance the team at Bunnings for their support and generosity.
In Maths, we continue to revise and extend the children on learning we have covered throughout the year. We have been impressed with the children’s application of topics we have taught along with their problem-solving skills.
In Religion, we continue to embrace the unit of ‘The First Christmas’. The excitement was real when we began this topic last week. This unit has a focus on knowing that Christmas is a special time when together we thank God for the birth of Jesus, along with recognising Christmas as a time of giving, receiving and celebrating with our family, school and parish.
* 27th November – Walk to Bunnings
* 29th November – Carols by the Lake
* 10th December – Transition Session for Grade 2
* 16th December – Tunzafun End of Year Celebration
* 18th December – End of year Mass
* 19th December – Last day for students
Thanks and take care,
Sarah, Mik, Kristy, Michelle and Karen