Teaching and Learning

Term 4
Reading: Understanding Phonics
Over the last 3 years Concord School has worked extensively to implement a schoolwide systematic synthetic phonics approach as part of the reading program. Phonics is a core component of a comprehensive reading program that also includes explicit teaching of oral language, vocabulary, reading fluency and comprehension.
Recently you may have heard that from 2025, it has been mandated that all students in Victorian Government schools working within the early stages of the Victorian Curriculum, will be taught reading using a systematic synthetic phonics approach. This is to form part of the reading program, with a minimum of 25 minutes daily explicit teaching of phonics and phonemic awareness.
This approach is already being used for students at Concord School with great success. If you would like to read further information about the role of phonics in reading, the Academy of Teaching and Leadership have put together a helpful guide for families, parents, caregivers and guardians: Understanding phonics.
Semester 2 Reports
It is hard to believe that we are already nearing the end of the year. While our learning programs will continue for the duration of the term, our reporting cycle concludes shortly. The Semester 2 Student Achievement Reports will be available on Compass from Monday 25th November.
Student Support Group Meetings
On Tuesday 26th November we will have the final Student Support Group (SSG) meeting for the year. These SSGs provide the opportunity to meet with the teacher, discuss your child’s Semester 2 Student Report and celebrate the successes for the year. It is also an opportunity to discuss any future areas for development or key information that you would like communicated for 2025.
SSG appointment times will be between 3.15pm - 6.30pm. These meetings will run for 15 minutes so we can accommodate all families. If you feel that there is a need for additional time, please contact me so we can make alternate arrangements. We are pleased to be able to offer both meeting modes, onsite and WebEx. Bookings will be open via Compass from Tuesday 19th November. If your preference is WebEx please let your classroom teacher know and they will share the link with you. Our specialist teachers will also be available for bookings and these can be done directly through Compass.
If you need support with making a booking feel free to call the office or email your classroom teacher.
Karlie Gooding
Acting Assistant Principal (Teaching & Learning)