Principal's Report

Term 4
As we move through to the second half of the term, students are starting to get ready for some of the end of year celebrations. On Tuesday the Secondary 9/10 students had their school showcase, it was great to have so many families and friends in attendance sharing in the amazing efforts of our students. Looking forward we have our Lower Primary performance, Movie Magic, coming up on Friday, as well as Year 12 camp next week and the very special Year 12 and Grade 6 Graduations.
Student Awards and Recognition
On Friday the 25th of October, two of our students received awards for their efforts and participation in their VET courses.
Cohan was awarded IVET’s 10th Annual Excellence Award recognising his outstanding efforts in the Certificate II in Active Volunteering.
Patrick was awarded the Northern Melbourne VET Cluster Excellence in VET Award recognising his efforts in Automotive Vocational Pathways.
On Monday the 11th of November we also had Cassie in Year 6 receive the Watsonia RSL Scholarship Award for 2024. This award celebrated Cassie exemplifying the ANZAC values of support, courage, endurance and mateship in her interactions with her classmates at school. As the Upper Primary leader, she sets a strong example of responsibility and respect each morning during line-up. Cassie is a good friend, always willing to share, compromise and accept her peers, embodying the spirit of mateship and support.
Congratulations to all of these students and well done on your efforts!
2024 Community Concert
Concord School is also getting ready for another fantastic end of year celebration. This year our Community Concert will be held on Monday the 2nd of December from 11:30am to 2pm.
Entertainment will include performances from our school bands, section performances, market stalls and a visit from Santa.
See our flyer below with further information. We look forward to seeing you there!
Principal's Award -
Husien should be extremely proud of all he has accomplished this year.
His maturity, respect for others, and active engagement in all aspects of school life have set a fantastic example for his peers.
Husien has pushed himself outside of his comfort zone this year by working in the school café, participating in the RIJI program and attending many different excursions. He constantly discusses his goals for his future including improving his health and work goals.
Matthew Di Domenica