Student of the Week
Congratulations to last weeks award winners:
Week 6
Teancum (12A) for responsibility by being organised for your learning tasks and making sure you have everything that you need. You complete your work with enthusiasm and a positive attitude. You are a superstar!
Shravya (12B) for responsibility by trying your personal best in Maths and using different strategies to solve addition equations. Well done!
Jed (34A)by exhibiting the most beautiful handwriting we have seen. The care you are taking with your handwriting makes your bookwork look amazing. Fantastic Jed you should be proud of yourself.
Jared (56A) for consistently giving your Personal Best effort in every task. I'm so impressed by the detailed and creative way you write, along with your determination to tackle and solve challenging maths tasks. Great job, Jared!
Week 7
Cadie (34A)by being a great support to our new Foundation students during their transition session. Cadie showed great leadership and compassion when welcoming our new students to the school. Awesome work Cadie!
Lucy (56A)for working hard on your persuasive letter about polar bears. It was wonderful to see you using great language and persuasive devices to strengthen your writing. Keep up the fantastic work!