Swimming Intensives

Dear Parents and Carers,
As I am sure you aware that our whole school swimming intensives at CGS will take place next week starting Monday.
Thank you to those parents who have contacted the classroom teachers or myself to help support the children walk to and from the location.
If you are available to help assist your child's classroom teacher, here are the remaining days that we still require volunteers:
(Group 1) All 5/6s:
Tuesday Wednesday Thursday |
(Group 2) 3/4M + half 3/4KB
Wednesday Friday |
(Group 3) 3/4TM + half 3/4KB
Tuesday Thursday |
(Group 4) Preps: We have 1-2 volunteers each day, but would love to have more volunteers if possible!
(Group 6) 1/2R + half 1/2MC
Tuesday Wednesday Friday |
Please note:
- We welcome all volunteers on other days also not listed here.
- If your child is in 1/2MC or 3/4KB (split classes into groups) and you are able to help out please email myself and I can let you know which group your child is in.
Please email me at gmontalto@olgcdeepdene.catholic.edu.au if you are able to help out!
Just a few reminders:
What students should wear:
- Swimwear under sport uniform (sport uniform to be worn all week) with socks/runners - *thongs/crocs are not permitted*
- Girls are to wear one piece bathers
- Hat when walking to and from CGS
What students should bring:
- Small backpack
- Drink bottle
- Towel
- Swimming goggles
- Swimming cap
- Plastic bag for wet bathers
- Spare underwear/socks
- If you have not accepted the permission form via operoo, please accept it before Monday the 2nd of December.
Any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to contact me.
Gianni Montalto
PE Teacher/Coordinator