Year Two Team News
with Steph, Joel and Georgia
Year Two Team News
with Steph, Joel and Georgia
It has been a busy couple of weeks in Grade 2. Plenty of time in our Maths lessons have been spent working on telling the time on an analogue clock and we have been extremely pleased with the progress that has been made. To ensure this progress is retained we ask that parents continue to discuss analogue time to the half and quarter hour to allow our students to consolidate what has been learnt at school. We also enjoyed our Grade 2 Science Incursion yesterday and it was fantastic to see the discussions the session helped generate for our students in regards to our inquiry unit. Our students loved getting their hands dirty and working together to complete a range of science experiments that involved mixing a range of different materials.
As we approach the middle of this term, we are now in the middle of a range of different assessment tasks that are taking place in preparation for your child’s mid year report. We are extremely proud of all the effort our students are putting in to demonstrate their learning and development that has occurred so far this year. We look forward to more of this wonderful application from our students over the coming weeks.
Important news:
Next Wednesday we will be making warm milos in the science room. We ask that, if possible, the students could bring in their own favourite mug that they can enjoy their drink in.
Curriculum Focus: Weeks 5 - 6
Literacy: In Writing, we will be writing procedural texts.
Numeracy: We will focus on multiplication and division strategies and how to apply these strategies to real life mathematical problems..
Inquiry: We will be continuing to look at and discuss what a range of different mixtures are made up of and why they are made the way they are. We will also reflect on our Grade 2 Science incursion.
Willy Kids and Respectful Relationships: Through the pillar of Learning, we are learning about what it looks like to be problem solvers, both in and outside of the classroom. In Respectful Relationships, we have been looking at personal strengths and how to apply these strengths in a range of different ways when working with other people.
Until next time,
The Grade Two Team - Steph Keswick (2K), Joel Kitchen (2J) & Georgia Grainger (2G)