Year 5/6 Team News
with Laura, Christina, Emil, Molly, Bianca I, Kayleen, Steven & Melati
Year 5/6 Team News
with Laura, Christina, Emil, Molly, Bianca I, Kayleen, Steven & Melati
In Reading students are exploring their independent reading novels using a matrix of activities to create short responses. We’ve noticed that the quality of these responses grows each time the students have a go. It is fantastic to see them take on feedback. Persuasive continues to be the focus of our writing curriculum, as students draft an essay about a topic they feel strongly about. As part of our assessment, students have completed a narrative under timed conditions. It has been exciting to see how confident they have become at developing ideas quickly and structuring their writing.
In Maths we have just wrapped up a unit on data where students were able to explore real-world data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics and learn different ways to display this data in graphical form. We are now moving onto a unit about time. By this age, students should be able to read and understand analogue and digital time. If your child can not read an analogue clock, we encourage you to do some rehearsal around this at home.
We had a blast at our first Parliament Process incursion last week, where students learned about preferential voting and how the House of Representatives operates. There were many smiles and giggles as students took their seats as the majority party, opposition party, independents and Prime Minister. We are hoping this experience will help to bring even more purpose to their ongoing inquiry project, where they are developing a “brand” for their respective parties. Logos, mottos and policies are all in the works.
Respectful Relationships
This term we will be looking at the following Child Safe topics: Body Ownership & Private Zones, Safe and Unsafe Touch, Saying No and Child Abuse. We advise you to be prepared for questions about this content at home.
Warm regards,
The Grade 5/6 Team - Laura Bartholomeusz (5/6B), Christina Crosland (5/6C), Emil de Vries (5/6D), Bianca Italiano & Molly Hedditch (5/6I), Kayleen Dumic & Steven Puhar (5/6K) & Melati Cordell (5/6M)