From the Heads of Secondary

Two weekends ago, I went on my first ANZAC parade in many years. I had been part of the Air Cadets when I was a teenager but had not really been involved in anything since then.
Let me say, then, how incredibly proud I was of Calrossy, and how blown away I was by the
whole event! Never before have I seen such a turn-out at an ANZAC celebration. To see group after group, and school after school, march in remembrance of those who have suffered and sacrificed for our freedoms was truly humbling.
To be part of our School’s March, kept in time by our drummers, marching in unison, was a proud moment. And to see the crowds of locals lining Peel Street was truly heart-warming. It really was a display of that ‘small town’ community, where people show up for a significant event and where everyone plays their part. I have never experienced anything quite like it before.
In a society and culture that is becoming increasingly individualised and self-focussed, it was refreshing to be reminded of those old-school virtues of community and ‘service above self’.
Well done Calrossy, and well done Tamworth!
“Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” John 15:13
Sam Anderson
Head of Middle School (Calrossy 7-9)