To commemorate ANZAC day on Thursday 25th April, poppy merchandise is available to purchase at the school office.
Anzac Biscuits will be sold on Wednesday 24th April at recess and funds donated to our local RSL. Each bag will contain 2x biscuits and will be sold for $2. Class reps will reach out to each class for 2 bakers in the coming days.
St Agnes Mothers Day Dinner – Friday 3rd May- Ticket bookings open now
Mums, carers and special friends – please join us on Friday 3rd May to celebrate the 2024 St. Agnes’ Mother’s Day Dinner.
This event will be held in the beautiful private dining room at Half Moon, 120 Church Street, Brighton.
Tickets are $75 per person including a delicious two-course dinner and fabulous door prizes. Drinks are available to purchase at the bar.
Buy your tickets here! Please note that ticket sales will close Friday 26 April.
Mother's & Special Friends' Day Events
Mother's Day Stall - Friday 3rd May
Students will have the opportunity to purchase a gift for their mum or special someone at our Mother's & Special Friends' Day stall. We are looking for helpers (2-3 parents) to help set up the day before. If you are able to assist, please contact Lauren Karpathakis at
Mothers Day Breakfast - Thursday 9th May
The St Agnes' dads will be cooking a special breakfast for mums, grandmothers, special friends and children. We are putting the call out for our amazing dads, looking for about 10-12 dads to help on the morning. Please let your class rep know if you are able to assist. You will be able to purchase tickets through our P&F website next week.
P&F Friday after School BBQ returns in Term 2 & 3.
Classes will be rostered on to cook and sell so please contact your class rep when it’s your class if you can help out. Sausages $3 each or 3 for $8. Juices $1 each.