Events for Term Two

District Soccer Lightning Premiership - Friday 19th April

This Friday, we have two teams heading off to represent our school at the Holt District Soccer Lightning Premiership. The event is held at Caulfield Park (Balaclava Road) and parents are welcome to attend.


PSG Meetings - Commencing Monday 22nd April 

Program Support Group Meetings will be held next week. Louisa Di Pietro has contacted families directly about appointments for these meetings.


Parents and Friends Committee Meeting - Tuesday 23rd April at 7.30pm

The Parents and Friends Committee will meet for the first time in Term Two at school on Tuesday 23rd April at 7.30pm in the Staffroom. All parents are welcome to attend and we ask our Class Reps to please make a special effort to be there.


St Agnes’ Playgroup - Friday 26th April

Playgroup occurs fortnightly on a Friday and is led by Mrs Baker. There are five sessions this term and thank you to those who have already registered. It is a lovely way to connect the little ones together and to our school.


Interschool Winter Sport

On Friday afternoons during Term Two, our Year 5/6 students will play either Football or Netball against other schools from our local area. This will commence on Friday 26th April and all students require a numbered Sports Top, which is available from uniform supplier, Noone. The focus of this is on participation and sportsmanship.


SSV District Cross Country - Wednesday 1st May

Our Cross Country team will compete against other local schools at the Holt District Cross Country on Wednesday 1st May. The event is held at Bald Hill Park in Clarinda and parents are welcome to come along to support. Further information will be communicated via Operoo.


SAC Meeting

The School Advisory Council will meet on two occasions this term, the first of which is Tuesday 30th April at 7.30pm.


Open Days

We have two Open Days remaining for the year will be held on Tuesday 23rd April and Tuesday 21st May. Prospective families are welcome to come along any time between 9am and 3pm on those days.


Mother’s Day Stall - Friday 3rd May

The children will have the opportunity to purchase a gift for their mum or special lady at this stall. The children can bring up to $10 and will shop with siblings so there is no double up! It would be terrific to have some Dads running our stall this year. Please contact Lauren to dob yourself in dads: laurenkarpathakis@hotmail.com.


P&F Mother’s Day Dinner - Friday 3rd May

The St Agnes’ P&F are hosting a Mother’s Day Dinner at the Half Moon Hotel in Brighton. All mothers and special ladies are invited to this event - the more the merrier.


Mother’s/Special Friends Day Breakfast and Liturgy - Thursday 9th May

This special breakfast and liturgy will be held in the hall and church on Thursday 9th May. I encourage all mums and special ladies to come along to these special events.


Prep Prayers in Pyjamas - Wednesday 15th May at 7pm

We are excited to host our Prep Prayers in Pyjamas night once again this year. The children are asked to come along to school with mum and/or dad, dressed in their PJs to learn as a family about prayer. Parents are certainly not required to wear PJs, but welcome to if you wish!


St Agnes’ Biggest Morning Tea - Thursday 23rd May 

We will once again host the Biggest Morning Tea in support of the Cancer Council Australia. Parents and family members are welcome to join us for morning tea and some other activities on this day.


Year 5/6 Year Level Parish Mass - Friday 24th May

Our senior students will participate in Friday morning mass with the weekday mass-goers at 9am on Friday 24th May. Parents are welcome to attend this mass also.


Cybersafety - Inform and Empower - Wednesday 5th June at 6.30pm

I would kindly ask all Year 3-6 parents to mark this important date in your calendar. We have re-engaged Marty and Carly from Inform and Empower to deliver an onsite parent information session on digital safety for all Year 3-6 parents. We will also be asking all Year 3-6 students to be onsite for this evening as well, because the school will run student sessions parallel to the parent seminar. The digital world our children live in has many benefits, but also lots of challenges too. Marty and Carly are well-regarded experts in this space and have plenty of wonderful tips to share.


Year 3/4 Year Level Parish Mass-FRiday 7th June

Our Year 3/4 students will participate in Friday morning mass with the weekday mass-goers at 9am on Friday 7th June. Parents are welcome to attend this mass also. 


King’s Birthday Public Holiday

Our school will be closed for the King’s Birthday Public Holiday on Monday 10th June.


Year 1/2 Family Faith Night - Wednesday 12th June at 7pm

Our Year 1/2 children and parents are asked to come along to our Family Faith Night, where we will talk and learn about storytelling in RE. More information to follow.


SSV Football and Netball Lightning Premierships

Thursday 13th June & Friday 14th June

The school will have representative teams head to the Holt District Netball and Football Lightning Premiership competitions on Thursday 13th and Friday 14th June. The school will select our best teams for these competitions.


P&F Disco - Friday 14th June

The Parents & Friends Committee will be hosting the annual student disco. There will be a Junior and a Senior disco on the night. More information to follow.


End of Semester Reports - Friday 21st June

End of Semester Reports will be sent home on Friday 21st June. A hard copy will be sent home and an electronic copy will be available via the nForma Parent Portal.


Parent - Teacher Interviews - Tuesday 25th June

As part of the end of semester assessment and reporting process, Parent/Teacher Exchanges provide the opportunity to discuss your child’s report. Booking information will follow.


Shine the Light - Social Justice Action Day - Friday 28th June

We finish Term Two with a focus on social justice on Shine the Light Social Justice Day. More information will be communicated later in the term.


Last Day of Term Two

Term Two concludes on Friday 28th June at 1.30pm