Grade 2 Area

Miss Kate Lyon, Mrs Angela Gioia and Mrs Amanda Johnson and Mrs Kaila Gugliemino

Persuasive Writing

This term the Grade 2's have been learning about persuasive writing. We have written many persuasive pieces trying to convince our friends, families and teachers of our opinion. There were many interesting topics such as; green is the best colour, sushi is the best snack, dogs are the best pets and there should be no homework. 


To finish our unit, we looked at advertisements and how they are persuasive. We learned that many companies use bright colours, slogans, catchy jingles and special deals to capture the attention of their audience. Using this information, students created their own advertisement posters for a product they have made up. It was a lot of fun to come up with ads to sell a new snack, drink and hoverboard. 


Check out some of the amazing work that has been created!

Snack Designs

Drink Designs
