Grade 1 Area

Mrs Amy Gagliardi, Ms Emily Giliam and Ms Elizabeth Higham and Mrs Sarah Castellas

Grade 1 ‘Hands On Science’ Incursion



This term, the grade 1 classes have been learning about ‘Weather’ in Discovery.

On Tuesday 21st May, all of the Grade 1 classes participated in a “Hands On Science” incursion.


The Learning Outcomes for the Incursion included: 

  • Students study how the weather works.
  • Students explore the movement of water and air in relation to the sun and Earth.
  • They investigate changes in the sky and landscape.

Students explored these Learning Outcomes through a number of different activities and experiments. These included: 

  • Discussing prior knowledge of weather.
  • Observing evaporation and condensation in action.
  • Modelling transpiration to explore the role of plants in the water cycle.
  • Modelling rain clouds to understand how rain falls. 
  • Observing a hot air balloon and discussing how it relates to air movement.
  • Using water droplets to model rain, and explore the effect on different landscapes.
  • Exploring how temperature differences cause air and water to move up and down.
  • Exploring wind strength/ direction and how to measure it.
  • Experimenting with a ‘tornado in a bottle’ to understand cyclonic movement.


Here are some photos of our amazing incursion: