Prep Area

Miss Sam Micallef, Mrs Kate Warburton (ES) and Mrs Josie Stocchero


During Education Week, the Prep students ventured off to Animal Land in Diggers Rest to explore animal habitats, their diets and basic needs. Our day was jam packed with lots of fun and hands on activities that has everyone captivated. Each students had the opportunity to ride a pony, milk a cow, play farm games such as tug-a-war and take part in an egg and spoon race, feed the ducks, go on a tractor ride, feed the alpacas, goats and sheep, meet the horses and bull, hold the rabbits, chicks and guniea pigs in the animal nursery and plant a snow pea. All of ours students were so well behaved and appeared to enjoy themselves. 


A big thank you to the wonderful Education support staff Barbara and Kate, as well as parent helpers Marnie and David for attending the excursion with us. 

✏️Writing ✏️

Our Preps have been working exceptionally hard to learn all of their alphabet sounds and developing their confidence to experiment using them when writing. There has been so much improvement in applying sound knowledge and experimenting with sound combinations. We LOVE interactive writing in developing confidence, seeing progression and growth!



📊 Maths - DATA 📊

The Prep students were introduced to the fun world of data! We collected data that informed us of our peers favourite colours and ice cream flavours, explored the contents of a 'mystery bag' and then used these numbers/items to represent it in either a bar graph or picture graph. 


One of our favourite activities of the week was graphing Skittles! A part of our data unit talks about being able to answer simple questions about a data set, this week our Preps demonstrated their ability to answer yes/no questions and pose a question to a friend.




In Wellbeing, Preps have been taking part in a range of lessons from The Resilience Project, Rights Resilience and Respectful Relationships and teacher choice activities. One of the Preps favourite Resilience Project lessons focused on sharing and accepting others differences. The lesson used 'The Rainbow Fish' as a mentor text and the Preps enjoyed making their own Rainbow Fish.


As we get further into the year, the Preps have become better at identifying their emotions using the Zones of Regulation.

National Simultaneous Storytime 

On Wednesday the 22nd of May, the Prep students participated in the National Simultaneous Storytelling event. Thousands of students across Australia and New Zealand tuned in to listen to the wonderful author, Aura Parker, read her new book 'Bowerbird Blues'. The students were all fascinated and enjoyed listening to the story about the intriguing Bowerbird.