Teaching & Learning  

We all know how important home reading is.  The more we read, the greater the vocabulary we develop which improves our writing.  It i important for you to make some time to hear your child read, to ask them questions and clarify information at times.  You will find below some comprehension questions you can use when listening to your child read. 




Based on what you’ve already read, what might happen next?

With new events in the story, how could you/did you revise your prediction?


Summarise the important events from the text in the order that they happened. Tell me more. 

Summarise ideas from a text and tell me how they are related. 

Making Connections 

How is the (topic, characters, ending) similar to another text? 

What connection can you make (personal, text, world)? Explain how they are connected. 


Look at the dialogue. What does the dialogue tell you about how the characters are feeling or thinking?


What is the big idea/theme of the text? How do they apply to our lives today? 


What new information has been added to what you already knew about the topic?


After reading, has the new information changed your thinking about the topic? 


What text features did you notice in the book? How did they help you understand the book?


What aspects of writer’s craft (style, language, perspective, theme) did you notice after reading the text/s by this author?


What did you think about (book, beginning, characters, ending)? Why?

Why do you think the author included this information?