Principal Report

Mrs Deborah Crane

Education Week is every week at PVNPS


I apologise for the inconvenience of having to cancel our open sessions throughout last week in classrooms for our Maths program and our STEM program with Mr Lytton.

We have had a large number of staff absences due to a great deal of illnesses.  We will look at our termly calendar to see if we can arrange a make up of these open sessions at a later date.

Congratulations to Ms Sam

We would like to inform the PVNPS community that Ms Samira has had her baby boy.

Ms Sam and her husband are thrilled to announce that Ahmad Katoub is here and weighed  3.5kg and is 45 cm long. Mother and baby doing well. I am sure we will get a visit in a few months time.


Mathematics Program

Our Maths Instructional Program is based on evidence and research via Peter Sullivan from Monash University. Peter has provided a curriculum day last year to introduce this model of 'launch-explore-re-launch' and has been out this year to model a lesson for our teachers in classrooms. 

We are fortunate. Peter is coming out again on Tuesday 11th June (CURRICULUM DAY) to provide further professional development in planning and assessment. 


Ms McAlister (Assistant Principal) and Ms Elizabeth (Learning Specialist) have been further developing this instructional model across the school in coaching, modelling, and assisting with curriculum planning and discussions.  I am proud to say that our teaching staff have adopted this model of practice which has already shown to have improved the students’ dispositions towards maths lessons. I believe this will continue to have a positive impact on not only our students’ attitudes towards maths but our whole school maths outcomes. 


2025 Enrolments

I have had a large number of prospective tours for 2025 enrolments over the past Tuesday and Thursdays this term. There is a lot of interest in our school because of the fabulous work that we are doing in learning and wellbeing. I thank you as families to PVNPS for spruiking our school and how we are doing the best for all students. 

If you have other children starting school in 2025, please complete their enrolment process as soon as possible as I will be confirming enrolments by the end of this term.




Getting Enough Sleep is IMPORTANT


A good night’s sleep is about getting to sleep, staying asleep and getting enough good-quality sleep. Here are ideas that can help your child get the sleep they need.


Bedtime Routine

A bedtime routine is very important at this age. It helps your child wind down from the day.


For example, a child who normally goes to bed at 7.30 might have a bedtime routine that looks like this:

  • 6.45 pm: put on pyjamas, brush teeth, go to the toilet
  • 7.15 pm: quiet time in the bedroom with a book and a bedtime story or quiet chat
  • 7.30 pm: goodnight and lights out

Relaxing Before Bed

After a big day at school, your child might still be thinking about the day’s events and worries. If your child’s mind is still busy at bedtime, it can cause a restless night or bad dreams. You can help your child relax for sleep and sleep better by making time for calm, quiet activities in your child’s bedtime routine. For example, you could play gentle music, read a story together or encourage your child to have a bath before bed.


For more helpful information you can visit: 


School Saver Bonus

You may have seen the recent announcement of the School Saving Bonus, as part of the Victorian Budget 2024/25. 

This one-off support will include $400 for each eligible student to help families cover the costs of school uniforms and activities in 2025.  

It will be available to parents and carers of every child enrolled in a Victorian government school in 2025.

Cash will not be paid directly to individuals or families. Instead, families will receive the bonus as credits on their school accounts that will help meet the costs of your children’s activities and uniforms.

Existing supports:  The School Saving Bonus support will be in addition to existing and continuing means-tested supports for camps, sports, excursions and uniforms.


The application-based Affordable School Uniform program, through State Schools’ Relief, will continue to be available to families experiencing financial hardship or other forms of vulnerability and short-term crisis. This program allows schools to make multiple applications for support on parents' behalf throughout the year if needed. 


There will be more information and guidance about the School Saving Bonus in Term 3, 2024, ahead of its implementation in 2025.