Bee Hive Groups

Social and Emotional Learning at PVNPS!

Mrs Kaila Guglielmino

The Bee Hive has been buzzing with some amazing social and emotional learning! 


Each week, groups of students from Years 1 - 6 participate in activities that help them learn some essential skills in emotional regulation, self confidence and school engagement. 


The students have been engaging in cooking experiences, gardening, team building activities, creative play and craft activities, all while having meaningful discussions around how to navigate their emotions in different situations, building self confidence and upholding the schools values and Positive Behaviour Expectations. 


The students have had many positive things to say about the groups, such as:

                                           "We get to make new friends."

                                           "We make interesting things."

                             "It's fun and we learn new stuff like cooking."

                     "I have lots of fun and get to do good things." - Ahmed

Some comments from the students
Some comments from the students

Enjoy some photos of the groups over the last few weeks.

Blindfolded taste testing
Blindfolded taste testing