Secondary News

29/4Whole School Cross Country
30/4Whole School ANZAC Assembly
30/4Years 7&10 Immunisations
3/5Years 11 and 12 VCE Careers Expo
4/5College Open Day
21/5Whole School Worship Service
21/5SIS Cross Country
29/5Madagascar Production 6:30pm
30/5Madagascar Production 7:30pm
31/5Madagascar Production 7:30pm

Welcome Back

A very warm welcome back to Term 2. I’m sure that our Years 7-12 students enjoyed some much-needed rest over the recent holiday period after a jam-packed Secondary camps program that finished off a busy Term One. It has been great listening to a variety of different camp adventures experienced across all year levels and hearing about many funny moments that students will remember for a lifetime. 


It’s pleasing to see many students return to school with new or closer friendships, an increase in self-confidence and resilience, and a greater sense of belonging within our community. These sentiments have also been supported by the students themselves through their 2024 Secondary Camp Evaluation survey completed this week. Our aim is to now use this feedback and make this program even better in 2025! Stay tuned.


We are only into our second week of term, however much has happened already. Our VCE VM students have been on an overnight camp and engaged with the community at Pantry Plus as part of their Certificate Two in Active Volunteering program. There have also been several excursions conducted with our Year 9 OES students going white water rafting, the VCE Arts and Technology students went to the Top Arts and Top Designs Exhibitions in Melbourne, whilst our Year 11 English students participated in a ‘Poetry in Action’ incursion as part of their VCE studies.


On Wednesday 24 April, I had the pleasure of attending the SIS Inter-school Swimming carnival at MSAC in Albert Park. I witnessed a fantastic atmosphere, a healthy competitive spirit displayed by the seven participating schools, and an eagerness to perform well by all Bayside swimmers. Many of our students came home with individual and/or team first, second, and third ribbons and all who swam should feel incredibly proud of their efforts regardless of the result. I know that as a school community we are as we continue to build momentum within our competitive swimming program. The day culminated with the news that Bayside had achieved its best ever SIS competition result of an admirable fourth place overall, just 10 points behind the third placed school. A fantastic result and a big well done to all competitors. Next year we will be on the podium!


God Bless,


James Kumnick, Head of Secondary

Introducing Mr and Mrs Klan!

Congratulations to Primary PE teacher Zacc Klan and Secondary teacher Laura Scouller on celebrating their marriage over the holidays!

Tunnel Rats Interview

Bayside Christian College Year 8 students David, Emily, and Adiel were interviewed with Mark ‘Jack-O’ Jackson (ex AFL) by WIN TV when we they recently attended the Vietnam Veteran’s Museum on Philip Island. There was a celebration for ‘Tunnel Rats’, an exclusive section of Australian forces that bravely investigated constrictive underground networks of the opposite forces.


VM Pantry Plus

Our Year 11 VM students worked at Pantry Plus to finish installing and planting garden beds for the food program, which supports hundreds of local people each week. The students will continue working on these garden beds to provide food for the program and fresh produce for people to take home. We planted the following crops:

  • 2 large beds planted out with potatoes
  • 1 bed of beetroot and peas
  • 2 beds with lavender (companion planting to help reduce pests and it looks nice)
  • 1 small bed with lemon balm (great for making herbal tea)

Year 9 OES White Water Rafting

Year 10 Camp - Central Australia

Our amazing Year 10 students braved the horrendous weather in the Northern Territory to create life lasting memories and build resilience throughout this amazing journey. We certainly didn’t expect to cop the tail end of a cyclone but this is what happened as parts of the trip were washed out and our itinerary constantly changed to make the most of any available rain free weather. The students did not complain once and represented Bayside Christian College magnificently throughout the trip. A huge thanks goes to James Kumnick, Caroline De Haan, Laura Klan, Sam Green and Paris Farr for working so tirelessly to care for our students and make this a sensational trip. - Ken Berry

Central Australia Poem

We left BCC said goodbye to our families. 

not exited for the bus ride ahead but looking forward for what’s in store 

only if Mr Kumnick wouldn’t snore.


We weren’t even at the destination 

but we bought things from petrol stations

feeling deprived of sleep

all we wanted to do was eat

not Eli and Heather

still hoping for some good weather.


Arrived in Cooper Pedy 

it wasn’t very speedy 

when living underground 

we could definitely hear every sound

spaghetti for dinner

sleeping on a mattress that couldn’t feel thinner.


Stocking up on 2 for $7 water

the drive could have been shorter 

heading to Alice Springs 

Jeanette cooks the best things.


The flies drove us mad 

the weather made us sad 

but the campsite wasn’t bad.


Packing up in the rain gave us a chill

the sun wasn’t up, neither was Will

going to breakfast all wet

who knew we would need a fly net.


The birds at the show were a bit mean

maybe next time you should show up at 10.15

kebabs and hsp’s 

we all said yes please.


Kings Canyon was a bust

weather was looking like cabins are a must 

sleeping in the warm 

thanks to the teachers for keeping us out of the storm.


We arrived at the big red rock

this time it would be our final stop

the sunset wasn’t impressive 

but the photos were definitely excessive.


We went on a 14k hike 

looking at a big rock what a site

the walk took forever 

lucky it wasn’t in 45 degree weather.


The sun came up the next morning 

everyone’s yawning 

even though everything was damp

we still had a good camp.


By Joseph, Joel, Tom, Annabel and Asha

Year 11 Camp - The Summit

The Year 11 camp was a great opportunity for our grade to make more memories and bond together in our last couple years of school. The camp required us to face our fears and experience new challenges. Working as a team, we were able to make friendships outside of our usual groups as well as build on existing friendships. In the designated God-space we were able to connect spiritually in an environment separate from school, Youth and home without any distractions. Overall, this camp was a great experience to have, with lots of valuable memories made that we will remember for a long time.  - Chloe Kidney


Year 11 camp was a great time for everyone to make new connections and grow as individuals, while camps in the past have focused on adventure and leadership this camp was focused on spiritually connecting better with each other and God. It was spiritually reviving and wholesome being able to have time and pray for one another became a real turning point for our year. 


We continued this energy on the last day when the few left played volleyball on the beach of Sorrento, to have students and teachers involved in a fun and calm day was a valuable memory that we will all remember. - Alex Cardona


Camp was such a great time, hanging with mates, engaging in fun activities, and making memories that will highlight the year. My time at the summit can be described with one word, “fun.”  The times spent with my peers and the teachers that were on camp with us made the time all the greater. But the reason you are reading this is for the moments that I’ve been tasked to reflect and write upon so I’ll get to it. 


Now many might not believe me but the first greatest moment of camp was the hike we took up Mt Cannibal, which I’m sure not everyone enjoyed but I did. The view as we moved more up the mountain was amazing with us being able to see Gumbuya world from afar, but the walk down was fun even though I slipped and landed on my butt which sadly inspired a bunch of the boys to imitate it and slip down the Mt.


Once we reached the Summit nothing too eventful happened as it was mainly the day to settle into the new ground. However, day two had things picked from the exploring in the dark caves while scooting my bottom on the ground not knowing that I wasn’t in a tight space anymore singing “I want it that way”. 


After lunch and some activities, it arrived the monster course or as I called it mud boot camp, as the teams each of us was put in had to work together to beat the course as quickly as possible, with our clothes being drenched in mud from swimming in it, moving tyres across the course and jumping in muddy pits. Side note-  sorry mr Alley for splashing mud on you but it was funny and the course was great so I think the joy I was having should be all you need to forgive me. 


Day three was great for me and two others in particular as there was a team voting session where each team voted on who out of their team got to ride in a tank from WWll with myself being one of the three chosen which led to an amazing ride, as through the little slit in the tank we went on a loud and exciting joyride going up and down which was fantastic. All around camp was a great experience and although I couldn’t list everything off I think I got the best parts down. - Matthew Knox


VM Camp - Balnarring

Our intrepid Years 10, 11&12 VM students headed to Balnarring Beach for a two day spectacular in amazing Autumn weather recently. The students ran activities for the entire group and planned all their own meals. They purchased ingredients, cooked forthemselves and even cleaned up (some were better at this than others). 


They did a brilliant job working together to have a fantastic time and learn about communication and leadership at the same time. A huge thanks goes to James Siede and UlliAustermann for making this such a fantastic trip. - Ken Berry

Year 12 Camp Photos

Speaking 4 The Planet

Frankston City Council have signed up to participate in the 2024 Speaking 4 the Planet (S4P) competition, so your students can enter creative projects about the planet. This competition is for high-school-aged youth (12-18) and for teachers. Teachers are also invited to participate in the S4P competition in the writing category.


This year’s theme is TREES the guardians of life, this is the first year Frankston City has participated so please promote widely to encourage participation.


There are four competition categories:

  • Speaking – prepared speeches. Maximum time is 4mins.
  • Writing – have your say in 30 words.
  • Visual Arts – a range of materials/styles can be used.
  • Performance poetry – write and perform your own poem. A time limit of 4mins.

Closing date for all submissions: 26 July 2024 Winners will be announced on the S4P website: 31 August 2024.