Primary News

29/4Whole-School Cross Country
30/4Whole-School Assembly
2/5Prep Readiness Session
4/5College Open Day
10/5Primary Mothers Day Stall
10/5Primary Assembly 2:30pm (3/4K)
16/5Young Thinkers Symponsium
17/5Primary District Cross Country
21/5Whole School Assembly
21/5Prep-6 Indigenous Incursion
22/5Year 5/6 Camp Sovereign Hill
29/5Primary Division Cross Country
29/5Madagascar Jr 6:30pm
30/5Madagascar Jr 7:30pm
31/5Madagascar Jr 7:30pm

From Little Things, Big Things Grow

"He told them another parable: “The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed, which a man took and planted in his field. Though it is the smallest of all seeds, yet when it grows, it is the largest of garden plants and becomes a tree so that the birds come and perch in its branches.” - Matthew 13:31-32


In my Devotion to our Primary staff on Monday, I emphasised the significance of the theme our Lord is asking us to focus on this term—“Kindness.” I also shared a clip that resonates with this theme. You can view this here


In Matthew 13:31-32 we read Jesus’ parable about the mustard seed. Our small acts of kindness lead to enormous growth in the world around us. A smile or kind word leads to healthy identities, self-images, and self-worth, leading to healthy communities, happy families, and thriving societies. Using manners, say to another person I value you. I respect you, and I love you as my neighbour. This leads to peaceful communities, human dignity and genuine love.


By showing respect and extending kindness, we communicate to others, “You matter. I appreciate you. I care about you,” fostering unity, dignity, and genuine connections.

It’s crucial for our students to understand the profound impact of their actions on those around them and the world. Every day, we have the choice to cultivate love and kindness or to disregard them.


In R.J. Palacio's book, "Wonder," there are several powerful messages that echo this sentiment:

  1. “When given the choice between being right or being kind, choose kind.”
  2. “Kinder than is necessary. Because it's not enough to be kind. One should be kinder than needed.”
  3. “Courage. Kindness. Friendship. Character. These are the qualities that define us as human beings, and propel us, on occasion, to greatness.”
  4. “We carry with us, as human beings, not just the capacity to be kind, but the very choice of kindness.”

God bless,


Mrs Danielle Lupi, Head of Primary

Introducing Mr and Mrs Klan!

Congratulations to Primary PE teacher Zacc Klan and Secondary teacher Laura Scouller on celebrating their marriage over the holidays!

ANZAC Day: A Time for Reflection and Remembrance

For ANZAC Day, our school community reflects on the sacrifices made by our brave servicemen and women, past and present. Beyond just history lessons, we engage our students in understanding the significance of this solemn day through remembrance and prayer. Through stories, discussions, and artistic expressions, we hope to instil in them a deep respect for those who gave their lives for our freedom. Connecting this to the Biblical principles of love, sacrifice, and remembrance, we teach our students to honour the fallen and pray for their families. 


“Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends.” - John 15:13


Louise Hogarty, Primary Teacher

Class 1/2N Poppies

Class 1/2N learnt to make poppies this week using paper and pipecleaners. Mrs Rachael Shineton came in to play 'The Last Post' on her trombone for the class.

1/2 ICT

The Year 1/2 students have been learning how to Microsoft Word. Students have learned to type, change fonts, size and colour.

It has been wonderful to Integrate Literacy and Information Technology. We have been practising typing out spelling words.

Students have also been exploring the importance of internet safety and responsible use of technology. This has opened up many valuable discussions. Students have been thinking about being good stewards when use technology and computers are an incredible tool that needs to be used responsibly.

Students have also enjoyed learning touch typing. They are becoming more confident typing out words.


Mrs Madura Nadarajah, Primary Teacher

Years 5/6 ICT News

This term in Information and Communication Technology (ICT), students will explore how technology aids farmers. They will engage in conversations with a farmer from New South Wales to understand firsthand how technology enhances farming methods and promotes sustainability. Before this, we will delve into various farms across Australia, exploring their produce and the evolving technological landscape in agriculture. Topics such as solar panels, sophisticated temperature monitoring systems, and drones will be covered, showcasing their applications in farming. Moreover, students will be able to design their own sustainable farm, integrating all the knowledge acquired throughout this period.


Mr Jordan Partridge, Primary Teacher

Primary PE Update

Hey, Bayside Parents! What’s that, you would like to know what goes on in Primary PE?

Well, are you ready for a peek into the world of Primary Health and Physical Education (PE)? Hold onto your hats (although a reminder that kids don’t need to wear their school hats in Term 2 & 3)... because we're diving into the excitement and growth happening in PE! In our lively PE classes, led by yours truly, Mr. Klan, your little ones (and tall ones) are experiencing more than just physical activity, exercise and what healthy eating looks like. It's a journey of sweat, teamwork, laughter, challenges, and triumphs, and all wrapped up in just 100 minutes. 


Students learn how God created them with their own individual strengths and weaknesses and that it’s up to them what they choose to do with these. Amidst the giggles and cheers, your children are not only building muscles; they're also cultivating emotional intelligence. Through carefully crafted activities, they learn to navigate feelings, support their peers, and celebrate successes, all while embracing my favourite motto: "I can't do it, yet!" They learn that growth and progress take time, patience, and positivity. 


Our young adventurers are mastering the art of teamwork and collaboration, guided by my desire for students to treat others better than they treat themselves. Whether they're strategising in a game of bean bag tag or cheering each other on during relay races, they embody the essence of teamwork and unity.


Students learn that even some adults don’t understand the mental workout that games and challenges provide! In PE, your little champions flex their problem-solving skills, tackling challenges with resilience and determination. And when they succeed, we celebrate with my second favourite saying: "What a time to be alive!" Students learn to cherish every moment, embrace opportunities, and revel in the joy of learning and growing together. 


So, when you witness your child bounding home from PE class, bubbling with excitement and newfound confidence, as well as sore abs and sweat on their collars, know that they're not just having fun – they're learning to become active, healthy, resilient, compassionate, and selfless individuals. 


Mr Zacc Klan, Primary PE Teacher

Jogging Club

Guess what, Jogging Enthusiasts? We're back in action! Term 2 Jogging club has officially commenced, and we couldn't be more excited to hit the ground running (literally)! Autumn has arrived, bringing with it a slight chill in the air, but fear not - the sun is shining bright, and it's the perfect weather for some outdoor fun!


Join Mr. Klan for Jogging club during lunchtimes on Mondays and Friday mornings. Whether you prefer a leisurely stroll, a brisk jog, or even some high-energy skipping, there's something for everyone at Jogging club. It's not just about staying active; it's about embracing the autumn vibes, reconnecting with friends, and enjoying the great outdoors.

So dust off those running shoes, grab a buddy, and let's make the most of this beautiful season together! See you on the track! Let's make this term one to remember!


Mr Zacc Klan, Primary PE Teacher

S.T.E.A.M. Exploration

We're excited to share with you the vibrant world of S.T.E.A.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) education here at Bayside Primary. It's an integral part of our curriculum, providing your children with engaging opportunities to explore, create, and innovate.

Our dedicated STEAM Room is stocked with resources aimed at inspiring creativity and problem solving. From wood and cardboard to plastics and masking tape, the possibilities are endless for hands-on, integrated study projects. Whether it's crafting dioramas or engineering hang gliders, students have the tools to bring their ideas to life.


We also embrace the digital realm with a variety of devices, including iPads programmed to control a range of robotics. For instance, our DASH (tri-sphere) robots offer not only entertainment but also serve as a gateway to coding. As students master programming movement, sound, and lights, they're laying the foundation for future studies in computer science.


Coding also developed through EV3 LEGO motors and a vast collection of bricks and technic pieces. Students delve into engineering challenges, learning valuable skills along the way.


For our youngest learners, we introduce BEEBOTS as a playful introduction to coding. These friendly robots make learning fun while developing essential computational thinking skills.


Little Bits allow students explore circuitry in a hands-on, safe environment using interlocking electrical components,. From switches and lights to motors and sound devices, they gain a deeper understanding of scientific principles.

STEAM is not just educational—it's fun! Students eagerly anticipate their time in the STEAM Room, Students are always asking, “When are we going back to the STEAM room?” Little do they know they are honing the critical thinking skills that underpin success in both numeracy and literacy.


Mr Russell Svigos, STEAM Teacher

Years 3/4 Twisted Science 

Grandparents Day (3/4C)

Mothers Day Stall

Prep-Year 6 students will be given the opportunity to visit the Mother's Day Stall in G-Block on Friday 10 May. Please send $5 in an envelope with your child's name and class on the front to give to their teacher for safe-keeping. The correct money in each envelope is greatly appreciated as change is limited. If your family decides not to purchase a gift from the stall, please let your child know to avoid disappointment on the day.