Leadership News

Principal's Piece

Faith In Our Future


Last year I had cause to share with you my concerns regarding a legislative agenda that would dramatically impact the College’s ability to continue to provide families with the type of quality Christian education it has over the past 40+ years. 


On 21 March, the Australian Law Reform Commission released a set of

recommendations that are an appalling attack on faith and freedom of belief in

Australia. If the Government accepts these ALRC recommendations, it means Christian

schools like Bayside won’t have the freedom to preference people who share the same Christian values and beliefs when making employment decisions.  As Paul Kelly has also noted, "Religious education, its communities and parental discretions would be weakened long term." You can read more here.


The good news is the Federal Government has not yet made its position clear but we

need to send a clear message to the Prime Minister and local Members of Parliament that Christian schools must retain the right to be able to employ people who actively share our faith. 


There are several ways that you can do this including writing to your local federal member of Parliament, signing up and sharing your stories on the My Christian School Website and attending the Faith In Our Future town hall event on 22 May 2024.  


Faith In Our Future is an event that will bring together supporters of Christian

schools and their representatives in parliament. These events are an opportunity to share about the impact of Christian faith in our school, to share your concerns with our Federal political representatives and ask for their support.


If you want the Government to continue to value the faith of Christian teachers and

staff, you need to be there! Here are the details:


Date: Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Location: Waverley Christian College

Address: 1248 High St Rd, Wantirna South

Time: 6.30 for 7pm (finishing by 9pm)

Registration is free but spaces are limited.



Andrew Manning, Principal

From the Deputy's Desk

In Christian schools, strong communication between parents and teachers is paramount, nurturing academic achievement, emotional wellbeing and spiritual development. This collaboration reinforces shared values and beliefs, enhancing the child's holistic growth. This is a core reason for the existence of Christian Schools. 


Regular communication enables parents and teachers to actively support their child's learning journey, while fostering a community of prayer and encouragement. Through open dialogue, challenges are met with faith and perseverance, strengthening the spiritual fabric of the school community. Prioritising communication that integrates spiritual values creates an environment where children can flourish academically and spiritually. 


This partnership between parents and teachers in Christian schools not only ensures academic success but also fosters a deep-rooted connection to faith and values, enriching the educational experience for all involved. If you would like to share your experiences of why you support Christian Schooling, please visit the My Christian School website to share your story and show your support.

Whole School Assembly


You are cordially invited to join us on Tuesday 30 April from 9 am to 9:50 am in the K-block gym. This assembly will feature the primary worship band and focus on a commemoration of ANZAC day.


Student Supervision


Please be reminded that students are only able to be supervised from 8:35 am to 3:35 pm. The playgrounds are closed outside of these hours. Please endeavour to drop off and pick up students within these times. ELC and Primary students who need to be at the College outside of these times can be enrolled in Camp Australia's Out of School Hours Care program onsite. Please contact reception for further information.


Visitors to the College


Families are reminded that all visitors to the College must sign in at reception in A-block (South campus) or N-block (North campus). Once signed in, a tag will be printed and must be clearly displayed in a lanyard. At the end of your visit, the lanyard and tag must be returned to the reception desk and you must sign out again.


Collecting Students During School Hours


In the morning, playgrounds close at 8:55 am. All families should depart at this time. Sign-in at reception is required from 8:55 am. 

During the day, students may only be collected from the office before 3:15 pm. Please go to reception to sign them out. Teachers will be contacted to send children to the office. Please notify the College in advance if you know you need to collect your child/children early.

Parents may enter the College grounds for student collection without sign in from 3pm and wait in the playgrounds/grounds; however, please note that students cannot be collected from classrooms before 3:15 pm unless officially signed out from the office.


Mrs Toni Steinbergs, Deputy Principal

Happy Families

Our school is subscribed to the Happy Families School Membership. Owned and run by Dr Justin Coulson, one of Australia’s leading parenting experts, the membership offers a wealth of parenting education and resources.

We will regularly share resources available through our membership with you, including Insight Articles and Webinars. 


You can also access your resources at any time using the below URL (unique to our school) and the password is: happybcc



Resilience: Developing strength, calm and kindness in our kids

When: Tuesday 14 May 2024 | 7 pm AEDT

Cost: Free for Bayside families


This 60 minute online session is aimed at parents as well as educators.  Schools can register for this session on behalf of their parent and educator community.


In this session, parents and educators will learn the psychological secrets that build children's sense of identity, strengths, and growth mindset in order to perform better, be happier, and build resilience.

B2Me: Community Business Directory

Have you discovered the Bayside Christian College B2Me profile? Its purpose is to assist in connecting trusted service providers with the College community in a way that builds valuable relationships. Consider it our very own Yellow Pages or Google!


It takes minutes to create a profile to view and support the many local services offered by members of our community. If you have a business you would like to list, please feel free to add your business profile to our group.
