Upcoming Events

29/4Whole School Cross Country
30/4Whole School ANZAC Assembly
30/4Years 7&10 Immunisations
3/5Years 11 and 12 VCE Careers Expo
4/5College Open Day
10/5Primary Mothers Day Stall
10/5Primary Assembly (3/4K)
16/5Young Thinkers Symponsium
17/5Primary District Cross Country
21/5Whole School Worship Service
21/5SIS Cross Country
21/5Prep-6 Indigenous Incursion
22/5Year 5/6 Camp Sovereign Hill
29/5Primary Division Cross Country
29/5Madagascar Production 6:30pm
30/5Madagascar Production 7:30pm
31/5Madagascar Production 7:30pm

Whole School Cross Country

On Monday 29 April, all students from Prep to Year 12 will take part in the House Cross Country Carnival, to be held at Bayside Christian College, as part of our House Sport Program. 


All students are expected to participate to the best of their ability, in order to demonstrate the Bayside Way and to contribute points towards their House. The event will also act as selection for either the Primary or Secondary Inter-school Cross Country events, taking place on Friday 17 May and Tuesday 21 May respectively.

Activity details:


Students in Years 7-10 will run in during Periods 1-4, students in Years 11&12 after lunch.

Years 3-6 will run in periods 1-4

Prep-Year 2 will run in periods 5 and 6.

Students should come in appropriate running attire - PE uniform with House colours (such as t-shirt, socks, hair accessories etc). Students may wear black socks as they will most likely get muddy! Students are encouraged to bring spare socks and shoes to change into after the event, depending on the weather and condition of the track.


Students should also bring appropriate clothing for the weather on the day, such as sunscreen, coats or jackets.


The cross country course runs around the perimeter of the school's south campus, including through the bushland where visibility can be difficult. Staff and student marshals will be placed around the course, to ensure the safety of the students at all times.


Students who suffer from asthma must carry their asthma medication in their hands while they run.


Family and friends are most welcome to attend. If you are willing and available to help on the day, have a WWC Check, and have completed the necessary volunteer induction, please email either Zacc Klan or Peter Zwiersen:

zacc.klan@baysidecc.vic.edu.au peter.zwiersen@baysidecc.vic.edu.au

Open Day

Invite your friends and family along to learn more about Bayside Christian College at our annual Open Day on next Saturday 4 May, 2024 from 10:30am to 1:30pm. 


Madagascar Jr 

Tickets now on sale! Production show dates are Wednesday 29 6:30pm, Thursday 30 7:30pm and Friday 31 May 7:30pm at the George Jenkins Theatre (Monash University, Frankston). 


The 4-year-old ELC students will be presenting an item to open the show on Wednesday 29 May. If you have family or friends in the 4-year-old group, Wednesday night is the night to book as this will be the only show they will be performing in. Please also note the earlier start time. 


Mothers Day Stall

Prep-Year 6 students will be given the opportunity to visit the Mother's Day Stall in G-Block on Friday 10 May. Please send $5 in an envelope with your child's name and class on the front to give to their teacher for safe-keeping. The correct money in each envelope is greatly appreciated as change is limited. If your family decides not to purchase a gift from the stall, please let your child know to avoid disappointment on the day.

Join the Push Up Challenge!

Bayside is again participating in The Push-Up Challenge! This year the challenge involves doing 3,249 push-ups (or variations, by yourself or in a group) from the 5th to 28th of June (last few weeks of Term 2). 

In 2023 we had over 100 students and staff sign up (as either an individual or part of a team), doing over 152,000 push-ups and raising just over $9,500 as a team (this puts our team as 3rd in the country and 2nd in the state for educational organisations!). 


Over the course of Term 1 I had some meetings with this year's student representatives and there are some truly amazing things in the works for the challenge in 2024 (including Nandos sponsoring us and donating 10 X $100 vouchers for prizes!). 


If you are interested in participating please follow the instructions below: 

  1. Using the link above, register as an "individual"
  2. When it asks which "team" you wish to join, search and select "Bayside Christian College Staff 2024" (there will also be a "Students, Friends & Family" team the student reps are making)
  3. When it asks which "community" you wish to join, search and join the "Bayside Christian College - Community" community group. The official launch for students and the broader community for sign ups will occur at the start of Term 2. Over the start of Term 2 keep an eye out for more specifics and exciting updates. 


Mr Josh Goshnick, Secondary Teacher

Bayside Prayer Group

The Bayside Prayer Group meet every Monday morning from 9am in the Community Room (M2) to pray for the College. Parents, carers and staff are welcome to join at any time. The group also frequently meet at 7.30pm on Monday evenings to walk around the College grounds. For more information please contact Bek Shelling on 0403 804 972.

Bayside Community Playgroup

The Bayside Community Playgroup runs every Thursday from 9am to 10:30am for children aged 0-5 years for indoor play, craft, painting, creative play, story time and sing-a-long while parents and carers supervise playtime and enjoy a cuppa and light morning tea. Cost is $2 per child to attend each week. Please pack a nut-free snack and water bottle for your child. No booking required.