ANZAC Day Service
On April 25th the Laurimar/Doreen RSL War Memorial hosted their annual Dawn Service, which Plenty Valley Christian College were honoured to attend and lay a wreath, as well as hand out rosemary pins for attendees to wear in memory of the fallen.
Our primary and secondary captains joined Principal Mr Metcalfe in representing the college. Attendees were blessed by a variety of performances honouring the past soldiers, including the singing of Amazing Grace. In a moment of silence, we reflected on the lives sacrificed on the battlefield and we remembered the cost to live in a free country. As the memory of war becomes more distant, the significance of these days becomes more important in teaching our children about these soldiers and their families, who paid for the freedom we enjoy today.
As a Christian College, we talk often of the sacrifice Jesus paid on the cross of Calvary. But with the Anzacs in mind, it brings up many parallels of the cost of sacrifice. As we think upon Jesus, the Son of God, came not to die for our country or for a nation, but to die for you and me, in our sinful fallen state He gave his life up for us. His death paid it all, there is nothing we can do to earn our salvation. We are saved by grace, through faith alone. And now we can come to the LORD and call him Father.
“For God so loved the world, he sent his only begotten son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have eternal life” John 3:16