Community News
Mother's Day Stall coming up!
Our Annual Parents & Friends Mother's Day Stall is on NEXT WEEK!
Primary: Thursday 9th and Friday 10th May
Secondary and Staff: Lunchtime - Thursday 9th and Friday 10th May
This year we have a beautiful selection of jewellery and cards made from local makers, as well as plants, and an array of other fun gifts for Mum, Grandma or Mum-like figures. We love seeing the students thoughtfully choose gifts for their much-loved family members.
Look out for an Edsmart email for Primary parents with more detailed information on what your child needs to bring if they would like to buy something from the stall. All Primary classes will have an opportunity to go with their classroom teacher to visit the Mother's Day Stall. If you can assist at the stall on Thursday or Friday morning and have your Working with Children's Check, please email by Tuesday afternoon.
Our littlest Plenty Kids loved shopping for Mum this week and are busy making special gifts in their Kinder classes as well! Shhh!
Winter Uniform Reminder
Term 2 marks the beginning of our two terms of wearing the Winter Uniform.
We understand it may take a few weeks to adjust to the change in uniform, therefore we allow a three-week 'grace period' which also gives allowance for those variable hot or cold weather days we often have living in Melbourne.
At the start of Week 4, Monday 6th May, it is the College's expectation that all students be dressed in the correct Winter Uniform attire.
If you would like to check the uniform please head to our website and click on the Uniform Information tab in the Parents area.
*Reminder the Secondhand Uniform Shop is open every Monday from 2:30 - 3:30 if you want to make a donation or make any purchases.
Open Day
We love welcoming new people to Plenty Valley Christian College and building our community. Open Days are the best way for new parents and students to learn about our college values, hear from our Executive Team and really get a feel for those firm foundations the College is built upon.
We would love you to invite any friends or family you may know who want to join the PVCC community to come along to our next Open Day on Thursday May 23rd from 9:00 - 11:30 am. They can register their interest here:
Company Meeting - change of date
Do you support the Vision and Values of the college and desire to serve our community through active membership of the PVCE?
Then why not join in at the next company meeting on Wednesday 29 May 7:30 pm in the Library Hub / Staff room.
Please come, be involved, and join us for supper afterwards.
Apply Now for 2026
Presentation Night - Save the Date
PVCC Presentation Night
Thursday: 21 November 2024
Community Bank Stadium, Diamond Creek
Please note: This event is being held during week 7 in Term 4, not during week 6 as in previous years.
Morning Quick Drop-Off Zone - PVCC Car Park
Quick Drop-Off Zone
Parents are reminded that the first set of car parks at the front of the property is a “Quick Drop-Off Zone” in the morning.
The drop-off zone is strictly for drivers who have a passenger ready to be dropped off immediately. Parking your car in the Quick Drop-Off Zone prevents the quick flow of traffic which can also affect traffic entering from Yan Yean Road.
Tips for ensuring you and your child use the school car park safely:
- Adhere to the reduced speed limit
- Be alert to all road users, particularly young children who can behave unpredictably as pedestrians and riders,
- If you must park and walk into school, model to your children safe places to cross and utilise the supervised school crossings,
- Teach your children how and why to use the safety door (footpath door away from traffic) to exit the vehicle,
- Adhere to No Parking areas,
- Give way to all pedestrians.