Principal's Page

'A Welcoming Community Leading the Future of Learning with Faith and Love'

A Message from the Principal

A Mother is a special figure and presence in our lives, someone who loves us like no other. We are blessed with many great role models at St John's and our mother figures are varied and unique, just as every family is different and unique. Yesterday at home and on Friday at school, we celebrated our mother figures to show our appreciation for all that they do. For some of us our mother figure may be our mum, a grandmother, an aunty, a dad or other significant person. We celebrate and thank all of these special people in our lives who love and care for us every day.

Yesterday, I took part in the Mother's Day Classic 8km walk with my family. It was a magnificent day and a great  way to start my Mother's Day celebrations while also raising funds for Breast Cancer and Ovarian Cancer research, along with 1000's of other people.

On Friday, a group of our wonderful Dads planned, prepared and organised a beautiful Mother's Day Breakfast for our families. I would like to give special thanks to Nick McKay for coordinating the event along with his band of helpers, who arrived very early to serve a magnificent feast of pastries, muesli and yoghurt, croissants and hash browns. They even brewed fresh coffee for us all. It was a beautiful morning for our school community.

Parent Curriculum Night

Thank-you to our school leaders, Anna Hendy, Tracey Farrar, Allison Bayliss and Ange Crowe, for their fantastic presentations last Tuesday evening for all of our prospective families. The event was well attended and the leaders had everyone very engaged, as they shared their passion and expertise for their learning areas in Wellbeing, Maths, Literacy and Digital Technology.

Grandparent's and Special Visitors Day

Our classrooms were buzzing on Grandparent and Special Visitors Day as the families connected and students shared their learning. Everyone was engaged in activities which included family trees, family portraits and interviews. Our staff and students always look forward to this special day. We greatly value the impact that families have in their children's lives and that working together in partnership helps to support our students to reach their full potential. 

Kaboom Sports Program

Last Monday our whole school particpated in the Kaboom Sports Olympic Event. Students were divided into 10 teams, each one representing a different country. The Warm Up included many dance routines and were followed by a lap of honour by each team.

When the games began students moved to the different activities and were given points for their team, depending on how well they did in each challenge. We all loved the day which helped to build a variety of fundamental motor skills, sportsmanship and lots of team building.

Photo and Recording Permission

Families would have received an email on 28 March, advising for the need to update the Photo and Recording Permissions for all students, in line with the new MACS Policy. 

Thank you to those families that have already returned this form but we are still waiting on some to be returned.

If you haven't already done so, please complete the attached form and email it back to:

You are welcome to print and return the hardcopy to the Office.

Hard copies are also available in the office.

****** A separate form needs to be completed for each of your children.

Government Announces $400 School Saving Bonus

Last week the Allan Labor Government announced in the 2024-25 State budget that there will be a $400 School Saving Bonus for all government school students. However, only Health Care Card holders will be eligible for the payment in Catholic schools. As you know all families are feeling the cost of living pressures and for Catholic school families to be discriminated against in this manner is deeply unfair. There should be equality for all school children in Victoria.

The MACS media release on this can be viewed here. We feel that either the payment should apply to all students, or it should be means tested for all families, as has been the case with programs like the Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund. 

They are putting the views of the Catholic school education sector forward to the government in the strongest possible terms, and we ask for your help to communicate to our local MPs.

Are You Eligible to Apply? - CSEF Payment

The Victorian State Government has a Camp, Sport & Excursion Fund for families that are eligible. Qualifying for this fund can lead to further relief for school fees through MACS. Please click on the link below which contains the criteria eligibility and CSEF application form. If you believe you are eligible to apply please leave your signed form at the office or email it to Jenny.

Mum Jokes

Nothing is Lost until Mum can't find it.


It's sad when you sit around waiting for Mum to make dinner and then you realise that you are the Mum.


Have a fabulous week ahead and please let me know if I can assist you and your family in any way.


Verona Gridley
