School Community Calendar
School Community Calendar
Tuesday 7th May | Mother's Day Breakfast (Romero & Kolbe) |
Wednesday 8th May | Staff PD - School Closure Day |
Thursday 9th May | Mother's Day Breakfast (Samaritan & Teresa) |
Friday 10th May | Mother's Day Stall bring $5 |
Friday 10th May | Mother's Day Mass (Preps & Year 6s) |
Monday 13th May | Prep B & C My First Gym excursion |
Tuesday 14th May | First Eucharist Retreat Day |
Wednesday 15th May | 6A & 6C Mary Glowrey Museum Excursion |
Thursday 16th May | Prep A & D My First Gym excursion |
Sat & Sun 18th/19th May | First Eucharist Sign up & Presentation Weekend |
Thursday 23rd May | 6B & 6D Mary Glowrey Museum Excursion |
Sunday 2nd June | First Eucharist |
Monday 10th June | King's Birthday Public Holiday |
Friday 14th June | Winter Sport Gala Day |
Monday 17th - Wed 19th June | Year 6 Camp |
Friday 21st June | School Reports Available |
Friday 28th June | Last Day of Term 2 |
Monday 15th July | Term 3 Resumes |
Friday 26th July | Grandparents Mass - Year 3 & 4 |
Sat & Sun 10th/11th August | Confirmation Sign up & Presentation Masses |
Mon-Tues 12th/13th August | Year 4 Camp |
Thursday 14th August | Confirmation Family Faith Night 7pm |
Friday 15th August | Whole School Mass - Feast of the Assumption |
Sunday 18th August | Sacrament of Confirmation 1:30pm |
Tuesday 20th August | Teachers "Shaping Minds" PD - School Closure |
Thursday 22nd August | Meerkat Bookweek Production (Prep-Yr 6) |
Friday 23rd August | Book Week Parade |
Wednesday 28th August | Father's Day Breakfast (1) |
Thursday 29th August | Father's Day Breakfast (2) |
Friday 30th August | Father's Day Mass - Year 5 & 6 |
Friday 6th September | "Hot Shots" Tennis |
Friday 13th September | Our Lady's Feast Day - Whole School Mass |
Friday 20th September | Footy Day |
Monday 7th October | Term 4 Resumes |
Monday 14th October | Year 1 Swimming Week |
Monday 21st October | Year 2 Swimming Week |
Friday 25th October | Year 6 Mini Fete |
Monday 28th October | Year 3 Swimming Week |
Monday 4th November | School Closure Day |
Tuesday 5th November | Melbourne Cup Day Public Holiday |
Thursday 5th December | Kolbe Year 6 Orientation Day |
Friday 6th December | Staff Faith Day - Student Free Day |