The highlight of the week for our SOP students was the Year 10 City Camp held from Monday 13 May to Wednesday 15 May.  Our very tired and weary travellers arrived back at Shepparton Station at 7pm on Wednesday night.


We stayed at CYC City Camp which is a beautiful 1910 heritage listed building situated on the corner of Collins St and close to Southern Cross Station, trams and all that the city has to offer. One of the focuses of the camp is to enable students to develop independence and confidence travelling from place to place walking and using trams.


We left Shepparton on the 9am train arriving in the city just before lunch and checking into the accommodation. Students unloaded their bags and had lunch before heading off by tram to the venue of their first activity. Students partook in a range of activities on day one, these included going to the Melbourne Aquarium, mini golf at Holey Moley, rock climbing at Hardrock Indoor Climb Centre and partaking in a session run by The Big Issue on homelessness.


The focus of day two was to explore some tertiary options for students to see pathways opportunities post school.  Half the students visited William Angliss Institute in the morning while the other half went to Victoria University City Campus. The students got to see the patisserie and cookery facilities at William Angliss which offers TAFE courses. 

At Victoria University students learnt about their unique block model where students study one subject at a time, complete it and the assessment and then move onto the next subject. At all other universities students study all four units at once. Students then went to the food court in Melbourne Central to have lunch.  


After lunch students caught the tram outside of Melbourne Central and travelled to the University of Melbourne. The students went into a lecture theatre and were presented information about the size of the university campus that is so large it commands its own postcode as well as the uniqueness of their model where the university offers nine undergraduate courses.  At the end of these three-year Bachelor degrees students can exit to employment or can go into one of the graduate specialised programs.


Following the university visits students completed an Amazing Race-style scavenger hunt where groups went around numerous sites in the city taking photographic evidence of each task they completed.  Students carried around a mascot and took images on trams, in tight confined spaces and at AC/DC Lane.


For dinner this night students travelled to Lygon St on the tram where they were treated to a feast of various pizzas and a number of different pasta options. After dinner students travelled back to the accommodation and went out in small groups to purchase dessert.


On the final day students went ice skating at the Icehouse in Melbourne, many skating for the first time and all managed to move on the ice which was a highlight and a great achievement for many. After this students had the opportunity to shop in groups around Melbourne. All groups decided that Melbourne Central was the best place to go.  At 2.45pm students met at a central location and headed back to the accommodation to collect their bags and head to the station to catch the train to return to Shepparton.


Student Highlights


“My favourite part of camp was probably the Scavenger Hunt through the city. I loved running around trying to get everything done in time, while still making it creative with the photos. The Aquarium was also a highlight because it’s just so pretty and calming to walk through and we got some really nice photos.” - Lily 


“My camp highlight would probably be the fact that I could hangout with my friends around Melbourne. Being in Melbourne, one of my favourite places, just made it so much better and getting to show them my hobby (ice skating) was just a great experience. Being able to run around Melbourne on a Scavenger Hunt by ourselves without a teacher was a scary but amazing experience, knowing that we had to find out where we were going without having to rely on an adult to tell us. One thing I have to admit was great to learn about and experience was going around and looking at the different universities. Vic Uni was probably my favourite. Seeing how they learn and what their schedules are like. I wouldn't be surprised if that would be my top uni pick.” - Olivia 


“Visiting City CYC for the first time since February 2020, I got to enjoy the top camp experience and have the best camp I’ve ever had! We did many things around Melbourne, having arrived at 11:40AM and having a blast! First, on the first day, we did the Homelessness Program and listened to both Carolyn and Debi, and then going to the Aquarium afterwards to look at all the animals in the underwater sea life. Day 2 brought in many new challenges including the highly-anticipated Scavenger Hunt, where we had to find special things around the City. Starting at Vic Uni, we were presented by Jade and Erin. Then it was time to go to Melbourne Uni, in which we listened to James about the future of the University and Lemi about all the different areas. We got 36 points in the Scavenger Hunt. And then came dinner, in which all of us headed out to Lygon Street to have dinner at Universal Pizza. It was an amazing experience for me, getting to have dinner as a whole St Anne’s Year 10 Cohort!! The Final day started out special, as I went Ice Skating for the first time and was successful. And with 3 hours to shop,  Dion and I went around Melbourne Central and had a game of bowling. Despite being up by 19 points early, Dion surprisingly came back to tie it, and then I ran away with a narrow 4 point victory. We headed back to Southern Cross to catch the 4PM train back home. We got back at 7, and it is going to be the best camp I have ever had!” - Nathan 


“I enjoyed the Scav Hunt because it was fun running around trying to find the things we needed to find.” - Blake 


“I found camp very enjoyable. It had lots of highlights but for me I would say the main ones were the scavenger hunt, rock climbing and going shopping. I especially liked the scavenger hunt because it gave us all a sense of independence and responsibility. We would have to make sure we are catching the right trams and making sure we were in the right places at the right times.” - Archer 


“My camp highlight, I would have to say, would be the scavenger hunt. I personally loved the scavenger hunt because it got our group to really bond and come together and work as a team. The fact we came last doesn't affect me at all because we had fun, got some food, and talked to some new people. I feel it was an amazing way to connect with my peers and get to know them on a deeper level.” - Cody  



Is your child wearing their uniform correctly? Please see the diagram below. Please note that the soft shell jackets are not part of the SOP academic uniform. Rugby tops are not permitted as part of the academic uniform, students should wear either their knitted jumper and/or academic blazer. Long sleeved tops and leggings are not to be worn under the summer uniform as layers of warmth. 


Upcoming SOP Assembly 

SOP assembly scheduled for Tuesday 4 June at 12.10pm.  The theme of the assembly will be ‘excellence’.  Each subject will award an academic award for the top student in the subject who has achieved a high standard in their work consistently throughout the semester.  Parents are welcome to attend the assembly which will be held at the stage area.


SOP 2025 Information Night

We are very excited to begin promoting our information sessions for students in Year 10, 11 and 12 in 2025. We have made the decision to change the format of these evenings. Instead of individual nights for each year level, information relevant to students completing studies in Year 10, 11 and 12 in 2025 will be delivered on the one night. This evening will be Wednesday 5 June 5. Please save the date! 

It will be very important that families prioritise attending this evening, as very important information is delivered about learning programs and subject selections. All students currently in Year 9, 10 and 11 are invited, and highly encouraged, to attend. Keep an eye out for further information in the coming weeks! 

VCE VM One Tree Per Child

Thursday morning the Year 11 and 12 VM students walked to Waterbird Park in Kialla and participated in tree planting in the park as part of the One Tree Per Child initiative.  Students learnt about the importance of replanting of trees and the benefits of doing so.  Students learnt that the amount of trees cleared in Victoria over the years has been enormous with the Shepparton area only retaining two and a half percent of its original trees.

Year 11 Biology

The Year 11 students spent time looking at body systems and how various cells, tissues and organs are specialised and function together to maintain life. A recent cane toad dissection allowed them to investigate how these systems are packaged inside the body and gave an opportunity to discuss the various roles the organs had. Students were challenged to identify the different organs and there was much discussion about how these organs have evolved to allow a cane toad to survive in its environment. 

Year 10 Careers Day Out

The Year 10 students attended the annual Careers Day Out expo on Thursday 9 May in Shepparton. Careers Day Out is the largest education, training, and employment expo in Northern Victoria with over 90 exhibitors present on the day.


Students were able to explore a diverse range of careers, education pathways, and employment opportunities available in the local area and beyond, with hands-on workshops, demonstrations, and talks from local businesses, education providers and industry leaders.

Monash University visit

Students in Year 11 and 12 had the opportunity to meet with a representative from Monash University this week. It was a chance for students to find out more information about undergraduate courses, scholarships and fees and accommodation and more. 


We are excited to see our inaugural Year 12 cohort exploring the important pathways after graduating later this year. It will be the first graduating Year 12s at St Anne's College after the year level was introduced for the first time this year.

Visual Communications students create Mother's Day mural

One of the popular photo backdrops at this year's Wonderful Women Cuppa & Catch Up event to celebrate Mother's Day was created by VisComm students.


The bright and colourful chalk mural came together in just two sessions on Thursday afternoon ahead of the big event on Friday last week.


Congratulations to the students for creating the beautiful image which perfectly welcomed the women to our College for the annual event.

GMDSSV Winter Sports Carnival - Soccer, Netball & Basketball

Congratulations to the sports stars who represented St Anne’s College at the recently held GMDSSV Winter Sports Carnival. St Anne’s students competed in both the netball and soccer on Tuesday last week. This was followed by basketball on Friday last week. 


It was a fantastic to see the students representing St Anne’s with faith and wisdom – congratulations to the all for your achievements! 

VCE-VM Shark Tank Proposals 

Students in VCE-VM Year 11 presented proposals in 'Shark Tank'-style, showcasing ideas that would support and add to the St Anne's College community. Sharks Sarah Baglin, Bek Ryan and Kate Stewart (finance) were impressed by some of the planning, research and preparation that went into the presentations. 


Some of the ideas were approved, while the others were great, but need a little more work and preparation to occur.

Tertiary Information Service (TIS)

The inaugural Year 12 cohort had the opportunity to attend the Tertiary Information Service (TIS) event at the McIntosh Centre at the Shepparton Showgrounds on Friday 10 May.


Around 15 higher education institutions were present on the day and students were able to chat to representatives about courses, accommodation, clubs, leadership programs and internships, services such as disability support, scholarships and financial assistance and tertiary life in general!


Our Year 12 students represented St Anne’s College beautifully! Congratulations!

Elevate Study Session

How You Can Help Your Child Prepare for Exams

Wednesday 22nd May 6:30-7:30pm (AEST)


Click here to register for free 

Here’s what Elevate will be covering on the night:  

  • Prioritise your child’s high-impact work to maximise marks  
  • Improve your child’s time management to avoid last-minute preparation
  • Help your child study effectively using past papers

Reminder About Uniform

As we head into winter, Year 11 and 12 students are expected to wear academic uniform day except for on Mondays while Year 10 students have the exception of Mondays and Thursdays. The academic uniform consists of white or navy ankle socks, black shoes, academic shirt and shorts or pants or navy skirt with a navy knitted jumper and/or a blazer as the outer garment. Rugby tops are not part of the academic uniform and should only be worn with PE uniform.  The soft shell jackets are not part of the SOP uniform and should no longer be worn. Exceptions to this include, where a student has a double PE class on a given day and also for Year 12s who can wear rugby jumpers which are only to be worn on Mondays with PE uniform and Thursdays with the academic uniform. It is not acceptable for parents to write a note for students to wear the rugby jumper on other days in lieu of the knitted jumper. Your support with uniform is greatly appreciated.

Uniform days:

Monday - all SOP may wear PE uniform and Year 12 students may wear their rugby jumpers.

Tuesday - all students wear academic uniform with either a school knitted jumper or blazer only.

Wednesday - some students may have a double PE on schedule and, if so, can wear PE.

Thursday - some students may have a double PE on schedule and, if so, can wear PE.

Friday - all SOP students are to wear their full academic uniform with either a school knitted jumper or blazer only.

Year 10 Formal - save the date!

Students are starting to work with the Formal Committee to plan for the formal.  Students have submitted their choices for a theme.  Approximately, 13 ideas for the theme have been submitted. The committee will reduce this number to three potential themes and the students will vote for the final theme.  


The event will be Friday 18 October at St Mel’s Hall, Hamilton St, Shepparton. Doors open at 6pm, with the formalities of the evening starting at 6.30pm and a pick up time of 10pm.  The evening will begin with a number of formal dances that families and invited guests can attend and watch. Families and guests will then leave and return to collect their children at the end of the evening. This is a ticketed event and each student will receive four tickets for family members.  If this presents any hardships, please contact one of the SOP leaders.

Work Experience - last week of Term 2 (Monday 24 June to Friday 28 June)

The Year 10 students have prepared for the upcoming work experience program in their careers classes this term. As part of this process, students have created or updated their resumes to reflect a professional style format. In addition, students are drafting cover letters to request potential work experience placements. As part of the legal requirements, students must complete two Occupational Health & Safety Certificates - one general module and one in a related industry area. Before completing their placements, there are two legal arrangement forms that must be submitted to the school fully signed ready for Sue’s (Principal’s) signature. All paperwork should be completed and returned to the student’s careers teacher who will arrange for Belinda to process paperwork to be signed. All paperwork must be submitted two weeks prior to students completing their placement. If you have any queries, please contact your students careers teacher.

Year 12 Study / VSV Study sessions

All students must be in their allocated room for these sessions and are not permitted to be seated at tables in the walk ways.  This is required for child safety purposes and for roll marking.  If there is any error in your timetable over the first cycle, please let Mez or Sarah know so that this can be rectified.  If there are any issues with this please see one of the school leaders.

Elevate Education Webinar Series

𝗘𝗹𝗲𝘃𝗮𝘁𝗲 𝗘𝗱𝘂𝗰𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 delivers high-impact workshops to our students to develop their study skills, motivation, and exam preparation. 


During Term 2, families are invited to join the parent/carer webinar series, where you can help support your student at home by reinforcing the skills they're learning at school!


Register for this series by clicking the link below and learn some great practical strategies to help support your child this year:




Academic Excellence

Please ensure you are up to date with your work for all your subjects.  If you are unsure check on SIMON or speak to your teachers.  Work hard to improve your standard of work and strive for excellence in all that you do.


This term staff will complete reports for all students and we want these reports to reflect - effort, improvement and excellence.


The theme for the SOP assembly this term will be - 'Striving for Excellence'.  We will be looking at awarding students who show excellence in many aspects of their schooling. Stay tuned for further information in relation to the awards.


SOP staff are here to support you in all aspects of life at the college. Please see your learning mentors, PG leader or SOP leader for help when needed.

Competitions and Awards

The Furphy Literary Award is currently receiving entries for short stories and poetry. You can find out more about their Junior and Youth awards here:  


Applications are also open for the Plain English Speaking Award. This is a public speaking competition for students aged 15 - 18 years. Students can speak to their English teachers or Sarah Baglin if they would like any more information about either of these opportunities.

Learning Resources

We still have families with outstanding balances for the Jacaranda Digital Library subscription and Edrolo learning resources. We appreciate that families settle these accounts ASAP. Time is valuable and following up families to ensure payment is made takes away from other important duties our staff have. If you are unsure if you have a balance owing, you can contact me at

All Year 10 and VCE students need to purchase the Jacaranda Digital Subscription through Campion using the code on the front of the booklist. Students pay for Edrolo through their Edrolo portal. Ask your student to log into their Edrolo account and you will see the red “Pay Now” link. Thankyou for your support in this matter. 



All students in the SOP are expected to remain focused in their learning spaces during all timetabled classes.  Students are to bring their macbooks, folders, pens, textbooks, a water bottle and anything else they require.



All students must have a lock on their lockers and this lock should be locked at all times.  This is essential for our Year 11 and Year 12 students’ lockers that are accessible from the outside.  There have been incidents in the past where macbooks and learning materials and books have been stolen out of unlocked lockers overnight and on the weekends.  It is a requirement of the signed ICT agreement that students have devices stored in locked lockers.


Year 11 & 12 students who do not have a lock on their locker by the end of the day Monday, will be moved inside to a locker indoors.


Pastoral Group attendance

Students should arrive at school in time to attend pastoral group each morning commencing at 8.55am.  This is an important part of the day and a time for prayer and reflection.  Teachers are able to follow-up with students and check in on how they are doing. Daily messages are delivered to students at this time.  It is vital that the school completes accurate records for attendance and the roll is marked during this session.


Use of air pods and mobile phones

Students are not permitted to use air pods or mobile phones while at school.  These items are to be left in students lockers during the school day.  Parents are asked not to ring their child’s mobile phone while they are at school or expect them to receive text messages.  If you need to get a message to your child during the school day, please contact the front office who will deliver the message on your behalf.


Your support on these matters is greatly appreciated.


Thanks for your support, 

 - Mez Lia & Sarah Baglin

Great opportunity with fantastic prizes for SOP students!


Love the GV are running a Video Revolution Awards competition for 2024 open to all schools in the Goulburn Valley. You are invited to make a one minute video about a social issue that is important to you. Whether that be bullying, public speaking or even how you love living in the GV, this is your opportunity to educate locals. The competition is open to different age categories, there is also a group category. Videos will be judged by 'Shepp-famous' locals including the mayor, with fantastic prizes on offer for the winning entries.

Register now using the QR code below. 

Video submission closes 5pm, Thursday, August 1.

VCE Assessment Task Dates 2024


Subject dates for VCE assessment tasks are as accurate as possible. Please note that dates can be subject to change based on school review.

Please find the link here to the live documents with assessment dates for each subject in Unit 1 and Unit 3 in Semester 1 2024:

The VCAA  is introducing the Student Achievement Profile - please click on the link for more information. St Anne's College will work with the VCAA through the VASS system to ensure students eligible for a Student Achievement Profile will have access when this becomes available. 


A first look at the VCAA's new Student Achievement Profile