These weeks are flying! Children in the School of Wonder have been continuing to showcase their ever-growing knowledge and skill development. The conversations on yard duty are still some of my favourite times of the day.


“Is that a hand-knitted jumper? It looks like one. It’s a bit hot for it today Kara.”

“You went to school with my mum, that’s funny!”

“Good morning Kara, it’s my birthday soon, it's in June!!”

“I love your dress.”


It’s the small things that spread the most happiness and joy, the simple ‘hello’, ‘good morning’ or friendly smile can really change the direction of someone's morning. 


Important dates this term:

May 20 - SOW Assembly (Week 6)

May 22 - National Simultaneous Storytime (Bowerbird Blues)

June 7 - Student Free Day

June 10 - King’s Birthday Public Holiday

June 18 - Student Free Day

August 22 - Book Week Dress-up Day (further information to come)

August 23 - Student Free Day


SOW Assembly: Monday 20 May


- Kara McCann and Emma O'Keeffe


Learning Mentors

Every week the School of Wonder Learning Mentors and Leaders gather to discuss topics related to Learning and Teaching, and Community and Wellbeing. These meetings are important opportunities for collaboration, collegial discussions and up-skilling. It is also a great opportunity to question, challenge and wonder. 


This week Learning Mentors were involved in moderation; to gather and discuss student work samples. This takes place numerous times across the year. Some fabulous conversation took place as teachers became the learners; researching, questioning, thinking, collaborating and communicating.

National Simultaneous Storytime

Next Wednesday 22 May children in SOW will be taking part in National Simultaneous Storytime. 


The Australian Literacy and Information Association organise this event and it is in now its 24th year.


The event encourages the enjoyment of literature.


Children will listen to the story Bowerbird Blues followed by some learning activities linked to the text.

Learner Asset in Action

This week I have looked out for examples of 'Collaboration' when on yard duty. 


These children were spotted collaborating to achieve success. 


Team work makes the dream work!



Welcoming our wonderful women

To celebrate the annual Wonderful Women Cuppa and Catch Up event, held each year around Mother's Day, the School of Wonder invited these amazing women into the SOW learning spaces.


Thank you to all of the wonderful women who made the morning tea such a great success. Your presence and engagement in the learning spaces was so nice, and to see the children's enjoyment in showing their special people their spaces set up a great feeling throughout the School of Wonder.


More photos from the Wonderful Women event can be found in the 'Around the College' section of il giornale. 


Fire Education Session 2

There might be some future firies at St Anne’s after the second session of fire education to the Foundation children.

After learning about the importance of what to do when there’s a house fire and the difference between good and bad fires during the first session, the second saw the children get hands-on and practice how to ‘stop, drop and roll’.

The excitement continued as children were able to view the inside of the fire truck as well as experiencing what it is like to spray a fire hose with the help of the firefighters.

A huge thank you to the firefighters who engaged the children with their interactive presentation.

One Tree Per Child

The Foundation students were accompanied by their Year 5 Buddies on Thursday this week to participate in the One Tree Per Child initiative.

The students walked with learning mentors, learning support officers and their buddies to Waterbird Park, Kialla where they planted a tree with the assistance of their buddy.

Churning Butter - Learning Where Food Comes From

Using a just tub of cream, a mason jar and the power of the Foundation students - butter was created from scratch! 

Foundation students learned just how easy it was to change a dairy product simply by shaking the mason jar. The children eagerly watched on as the cream changed from thickened cream to a deliciously smooth and creamy butter.

The students got to taste their efforts enjoying crackers with their homemade butter with many children enjoying the flavour! 

Around the school yard

Term 2 is flying by and our College's youngest members are embracing the start to their schooling journey at St Anne's!

Year 1/2

The Year 1 and 2s spent some time enjoying PE recently. 


Saturday Soccer


St Anne's students enjoying their Saturday soccer competition.


Learning Expo

The Year 1 and 2 students are holding Learing Expo today, May 17, between 2:30-3pm to showcase the culmination of the latest inquiry. Children are sharing three pieces of their learning. See a wrap-up from this event in the next edition of il giornale. 


Year 3/4



Guneet Kaur, in Year 4, has created this by hand on Sketches School app.




Year 3 and 4 Badminton Excursion

On Monday the Year 3 and 4 children took to the badminton courts to complete their learning of the sport. 


Children were engaged, respectful and enthusiastic to try the sport in its proper setting, and not outside in the elements. Hand-eye coordination, timing, forces and movement were just some of the skills children have been practicing in PE with Ryleigh, and they were able to demonstrate just how much progress they had made.


John at the Badminton Association helped out with his expertise and we are so grateful for him volunteering his time.


Arriving at school

Please support our staff, and remember that drop off for children is from 8:30am. This is when staff are on duty. Prior to this any staff onsite are preparing for the day ahead, duty of care requirements mean children onsite require supervision and doing this takes staff away from their important preparation time.


Kara McCann & Emma O’Keeffe - School of Wonder Leaders

We are committed & dedicated educators


Teaching and Learning:

Our aim as Educators is always to improve student learning outcomes for all our learners. We continue to strive to improve our professional practice to ensure that our learners get the very best learning opportunities and outcomes. Our SOW team works collaboratively to provide thought provoking learning experiences to our learners. Our learner assets (collaboration, communication, self-management, thinking and researching) are life long skills that set our young people up to life long learners and to continually question, explore and challenge their thinking. Please direct any teaching and learning inquiries to Kara McCann



Wellbeing is a holistic term that encompasses all aspects of a student's life, including their physical, social, mental and emotional state. It is often defined as a sustainable state of positive mood and attitude, resilience, and satisfaction with self, relationships and experiences at school.

Wellbeing at St Anne’s is driven by the themes of doing our best, allowing everyone to succeed. Please direct any wellbeing inquiries to Emma O'Keeffe