Catholic Identity

Catholic Identity Reflection

Religious Education Leader - Elizabeth Holligan

Pentecost Sunday Year B


This Sunday, Pentecost Sunday, some of our students are making their First Eucharist and Confirmation. Pentecost is a significant time as a Catholic to receive Christ for the first time in the Eucharist and to be initiated as an adult in our faith through Confirmation. 


At the first Pentecost, we read in the Acts of the Apostles of followers of Christ gathered in fear together after the crucifixion of Christ. Afraid to venture out, afraid of the world around them. As the Holy Spirit descended upon the group, anxiety was dissolved, fear overcome, barriers removed, courage, love and joy emerged. No more did language, race or religion prevent the spread of the word of Christ. As our students receive the Holy Spirit through Confirmation may they too find barriers removed. May they use the gifts of the Holy Spirit to ignite the love of Christ in the world around them.


General News

Sacramental Program Confirmation and Eucharist – St Mel’s Parish

We offer our congratulations to students making their First Eucharist and Confirmation this weekend. We ask for you to keep our students receiving Confirmation and Eucharist in your prayers. 


Term 2 Social Justice Awareness and Fire Carrier students

St Anne’s College community works each term to raise awareness and funds for Catholic Charities and other Charities that support the philosophy of our college ethos. This term we are raising awareness and fundraising for Opening the Doors Foundation. Opening the Doors Foundation's focus is to ‘keep Koorie kids in an education of their choice’ by supporting First Nations children in education. 

Our Fire Carrier students have been organising an awareness campaign focusing on the importance of supporting First Nations children in education and how this is possible through this foundation. The Fire Carrier students have been actively participating in other First Nations awareness and reconciliation activities leading up to and beyond National Reconciliation Week from 27 May to 3 June. Please keep an eye on PAM for their articles and activity notices.


Catholic Education Sandhurst Ltd. Justice Matters Camp

From Wednesday May 8 to Friday May 10 students Owen Terry, Taj Leader and Megan Okely participated in the annual CES Ltd. Justice Matters Camp in Beechworth. Megan, Taj and Owen participated in presentations, discussions and activities with students from 11 other Catholic Secondary schools. The theme of the camp was ‘Just Together’. 


The camp experience helped provide the foundation for students personal commitment to social justice, and to work TOGETHER with others towards a just world. Owen, Taj and Megan have been leaders in social justice at St Anne’s College as Fire Carriers, Community Action Team members and many other social justice activities during their time at St Anne’s College. It was a privilege to see them working with students from across the diocese as they developed skills necessary for leading social justice activities, and built the diocesan social justice network.

Justice Matters Camp 2024
Justice Matters Camp 2024


Sacramental Program Confirmation and Eucharist Timetable – St Mel’s Parish