Our Staff 

Some of our amazing Learning Support Officers (LSOs) Trent, Connor, Tyler and Abe with Learning Support Leader Leesa (middle) who assisted with the Wonderful Women's Cuppa and Catch Up event last week. 

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St Anne's College: https://www.sackialla.catholic.edu.au/employment/positions-available

Welcoming our new staff

Hi, I’m Kendal. I have a passion for sport - I play football and netball. 


I am very excited to be joining the LSO team here at St Anne’s College. I used to work as an LSO at St Mary’s of the Angels, Nathalia. 


In my spare time, I like to horse ride, travel and play sports.

Celebrating Education Support Personnel Day!

May 16 is an annual day to honour and recognise the extraordinary contribution education support staff make to education.


At St Anne's, Learning Support Officers (LSOs) work with educators, having a significant impact on the achievement, engagement and wellbeing outcomes of all students.


Our LSOs were recognised with a ceremony where they were given a small gift. A huge thank you to this amazing team for all the incredible work they do!!

Learning Support Officers with manager Leesa (middle)
Learning Support Officers with manager Leesa (middle)

Staff embrace their role as 'Sharks' 

Both teaching and non-teaching staff at St Anne's put their 'Shark' caps on this week so the Year 9 students could pitch their ideas for the upcoming Market Day in a Shark Tank-style presentation. 


Staff scored the presentations based on the following criteria: preparedness, presentation/speech, knowledge of product, advertisement and the product/idea.


It was a huge effort from all involved - congratulations to the Year 9 students for their great pitches and a huge thank you to staff for stepping in to be a part of the process. 

SOI Leader of Learning and Teaching Adam Zito and Religious Education Leader Elizabeth Holligan
SOI Leader of Learning and Teaching Adam Zito and Religious Education Leader Elizabeth Holligan

St Anne’s College staff 2024


Principal - Susan Carroll

Deputy Principal: Community Wellbeing - Kate McGrath

Deputy Principal: Learning and Teaching - Cherie Boltong



Elizabeth Holligan eholligan@sackialla.catholic.edu.au



General inquiries office@sackialla.catholic.edu.au

Finance inquiries finance@sackialla.catholic.edu.au



Staff 2024