From the Principal

Benvenuto - Welcome

Dear Parents and Carers,


This week saw the announcement of the latest Federal Budget, earlier this week I sent out an email to all families about the $400 School Saving Bonus which is provided to ALL government school students, but to only a portion of students in Catholic and Independent schools eligible for the payment. This bonus was announced as a relief from the cost-of-living pressures families are currently experiencing. We know all families are feeling the cost-of-living pressures equally. We see this as a discrimination against families choosing Catholic and Independent school education. I contacted our local member Kim O’Keeffe to express concern over this announcement, she has assured me that she will be raising with the Treasurer the question of how families will have same opportunity to access this bonus. Thank you to those who have reached out to Kim as concerned parents.


Last Friday the college was abuzz with the sound of special women in our community sharing a cuppa, some lovely food and enriching conversation during our Wonderful Women’s morning tea. Due to the weather, we had to move the event indoors. The staff involved in organising this awesome annual event made the space look incredible and it was great to see so many amazing women in the one space. For those who attended, we hope you enjoyed the experience.


This week some of our students across the School of Wonder, Year 5 and VCE VM classes joined in the Greater Shepparton City Council initiative of One Tree Per Child. Each year the GSCC facilitates a native plant to be planted for each child. This initiative comes from a global initiative founded by Olivia Newton-John and Jon Dee. It was great to see our students getting involved in a local community initiative which benefits the local environment and community. 


Our Year 10 students returned from their Melbourne experience exhausted, but full of new knowledge and understanding of our state’s capital city CBD and the endless possibilities for young people. Thank you to all of the staff who prepared for the camp to be a successful and enriching experience. I hope that this weekend affords the opportunity for you to relax and enjoy the company of those who are most dear to you.


Susan Carroll
