College Advisory Council 

On Thursday 2 May the St Anne's College Advisory Council met for the first of our Term 3 meetings.


Prior to the meeting commencing we met with Leonie Irwin of Catholic Education Sandhurst who presented to the Council on the recruitment process for a new Principal. She facilitated a discussion so we could provide feedback on what we see as the school's strengths, areas of growth, and what qualities we need in our new Principal.


Upon commencement of the official meeting, discussions took place on:

  • The VRQA audit due to take place in the coming months that will review areas such as the child safe standards, minimum standards and requirements, financial management, and so forth.
  • The resignation of Sue Carroll, who we thank for her time in the position and look forward to working with through to the end of Term 3.
  • St Mel's Parish current events and interactions with the community, and how we could see our children and families becoming involved.
  • We appointed Tunya Jarvis to the Position of Deputy Chair of the Advisory Council – congratulations to Tunya who we know will do a fantastic job.
  • There is currently an open position for a parent representative on the Advisory Council. Anyone who is interested should get in contact with the school or an Advisory Council member.
  • We were briefed on the inside programs that have started within the school during lunch breaks including yoga, drawing, chess club, and public speaking to name a few.
  • It was requested that lunch order allergens be listed on the Qkr app - this will be referred to Eastwood Orchards.
  • We again discussed rider safety and noted the importance of the St Anne's College community all wearing helmets when riding to and from school.
  • Sanitary bin availability and signage was discussed. We were advised that students are currently involved in some feedback in improving the current offering.
  • The St Anne's Census Demographic data was presented which gives us a great snapshot of what our community looks like.
  • We had an update from the St Anne's Sports Association and all agreed the committee are doing an amazing job! The BBQ held to celebrate the start of soccer season was a great hit, and they’re looking at possibilities with incorporating far more sporting options for our children – stay tuned!
  • For any parents with children involved in sports we encourage you to speak with the sports association about what your children are up to, any suggestions on support, and importantly – brag a bit! If your child has had some success the sports association would love to see some photos and hear all about it so they can share it in the newsletter.
  • We discussed a recent episode of Four Corners ‘Those Who Can’t’ and requested the link be circulated amongst the teaching community


There is currently an open position for a parent representative on the Advisory Council. Anyone who is interested should get in contact with Nancy Minicozzi, Executive Assistant or an Advisory Council Member.

St Anne's College Advisory Council 2024

The St Anne’s College Advisory Council members are:

Ex-officio members:

Sue Carroll - Principal

David Villani - Business Manager

Fr Rene Ramirez & Fr Ruel Desamparado - St Mel's Parish

Brenda McKeenan – Catholic Education Sandhurst Executive Director appointment

Chair: Zara Stratton

Deputy Chair: Tunya Jarvis 

Representative members:

Trish Mathisen - CES

Brenda Keenan - St Mel's Parish 

General members:

Kim Daldy

Jodie Taylor

Elizabeth Jones

The St Anne’s College Advisory Council is a team of representatives from the school parent community, St Mel’s Parish, Catholic Education Sandhurst, and St Anne’s Leadership and Administration faculty, brought together through a vision to support the growth of the school and learning outcomes for all those who attend. We aim to provide a voice for the school community and stakeholders.


Advisory Committee members volunteer their time to meet formally twice each term with the view to discuss the issues that shape the vision and strategic direction of the college, and to support the work of our Principal, Sue Carroll. We also come together outside of these times where the need arises. 


Advisory Committee Members share a motivation to be involved in our beautiful College and to support the growth and development of the facilities. Whilst there is no requirement to have a specific skill set, we each have a passion to ensure the best outcomes for the college students.


Members come from a range of backgrounds in the hopes that we may represent the school community in a fair and balanced manner. When nominations are open for new members, we welcome nominations from all who feel they could contribute in a meaningful way.

Whilst members don’t have to be of the Catholic faith, we are guided by the college’s Catholic principles and expect members to be supportive of the college’s Catholic identity.


We are an advisory group for the Principal and we are in no way there to make operational changes to the school. Our consultation is sought in the view to provide support and advice in areas of strategic planning and school improvement.

Advisory Council members are elected for a three year term and governed by our Terms of Reference. A member of the parent community resides in both the Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson role.