Year 8 Wellbeing Day

Fariba Riazati 

On Friday April 19th, the Year 8 students had a Student Wellbeing Day.   We all arrived at school like normal, but we all had our PE/Sport uniforms on. On our Wellbeing Day, the focus was to look at health and wellbeing and how it can support our mental and physical health. The activities we did on the day were PE, Cooking and Project Rockit. In the PE activity we had to blow up balloons and play a game where you had to keep them off the ground and if you failed, we all had to restart. In the cooking activity we were challenged with  making mini pancakes, but there was a twist; you had to include some sort of fruit in them. The best looking plate would win the challenge. For the final activity, a company called Project Rockit came to talk to all the Year 8's about cyber-bullying and bullying and how it can affect people. They also told us some stories that they had about bullying and even a story that someone had written about an experience that they had with bullying. It was a great day and I had a great time.

Jake W.


On the Wellbeing Day, all the Year 8's got to do fun activities including physical activities, creative activities, cooking and Project Rockit came to visit us. Project Rockit came to talk to us about how to stop bullying. We also had a comp for the best plate of pikelets but in the healthiest way possible. In the creative session we decorated our own wooden tile to be displayed or we got to choose the physical activity. We even had different times to the rest of the year levels to go out to lunch which was so cool.   The day was great!  

Mitchell L.


On Friday 19th April, us Year 8's had our Wellbeing Day. We started off the day meeting at the PAC together and we talked about what was on for the day. We got split into three groups with our classes and started. The three activities were cooking, sport and Project Rockit. In cooking we made pancakes and then afterwards made a poster talking about the ingredients and the presentation of the pancakes. In sport we practised a synchronised activity with a friend. We then performed it to the teachers and they chose a winning group. You also had the choice to paint tiles to put up around the school, so some people did that. Project Rockit was where two people came in to talk to us about bullying and the affect it has on everyone who suffers it.  They also gave us some resources and ways we can help ourselves or a friend if we ever get into that situation. Overall it was a very good day for all of us and we learnt a lot of new things and enjoyed our time. 

Niamh J., Lucy P.