
Importance of Peer Relationships


Good friendships are important to teens because they give them a sense of belonging and confidence, a safe space to talk about puberty and experience in getting along with people.  A young person’s friendships can have a positive impact on their health and wellbeing as well as academic performance.  However, if your child is struggling to make positive friendships, here are some things you can do to support them:

  • Strong parent-child relationships can help children have positive relationships with peers.  Staying connected, being interested and listening to your child can help them develop friendship skills.
  • Be a good role model by spending time with your own friends can show your child that friendship is a mutual thing.
  • Look out for new extra-curricular activities that might interest your child such as a club, sports team or social group. Mixing with people who share similar interests is a great way to start friendships and build confidence.
  • Spend time with extended family and family friends. 
  • Help your child plan an activity with friends, such as watching a movie at home, or playing sport at the local park.
  • Try to work out whether there are things that are making it difficult for your child to make friends, then think about ways you can work on these. You might want to ask for professional advice for complex issues. Your GP is a good place to start.
  • Give your child plenty of praise and encouragement. Try not to pressure your child about friends or constantly discuss the situation.

For more great information check out: https://raisingchildren.net.au/pre-teens/communicating-relationships/friends-peers/teen-friendships