Year 7 Rise Presentations on Family Violence 

Creating Futures Together

Special Guest Police Prosecutor Kate Kirk came to Wheelers Hill Secondary School this week to hear the Year 7 Rise Project students’ presentations on Family Violence. Kate’s role as a police officer is to prosecute offenders of domestic violence and was certainly an expert in this field. Each group presented information on domestic violence in their own way, thinking about the sensitive nature of the topic and the information they needed to share. This topic was chosen, researched, debated and collaborated on by the students to share their information. 


Our School Principal, Ms. Brisbane was very impressed with the presentations and the way the students relayed the messages to the audience. The Wellbeing Leader, Ms Tsang and our Arts Therapist, Madeleine Mitchell were the original ‘judges’ who gave expert feedback to each group when they had finished. Ms. Kate Kirk was “blown away” by the quality of the presentations and was thrilled to hear the accuracy of the details of the presentations.  


The Year 7 Rise group performed well above expectations and showed real maturity when collaborating and communicating on this topic. All the students spoke with confidence and authority on this topic and I am looking forward to what the students will do next. 


Andrew Steele 

Learning Specialist (Numeracy) 

Resources for Kids: 

1800RESPECT: Call 1800 737 732, text 0458 737 732, chat online or video call via our website.





Beyondblue: 24-hour Phone and online counselling for mental health.  

P: 1300 22 46 36  


Lifeline: 24-hour phone crisis support and suicide prevention services.  

P: 131 114  




Kids Help Line: 24/7 free phone and online counselling for 13 to 25-year old’s.  

P: 1800 55 1800