Camp Fundraising

Ivanhoe Primary School is now a donor partner of the Victorian Container Deposit Scheme (CDS). Here is how you can help.

Ivanhoe Primary School Camp Fundraising

As you can imagine, the cost of sending children to camp continues to rise so we are always looking at ways to fundraise to keep these important programs affordable. 


Just by recycling your bottles, cans and juice boxes, you can help us raise much-needed funds to keep our Ivanhoe Primary School Camp Program going!! 


Ivanhoe Primary School is now a donor partner of the Victorian Container Deposit Scheme (CDS). 




The CDS is a scheme which recycles glass and plastic bottles, juice boxes and aluminium cans that are labelled “10c Refund at a Collection Depot…”.




1. Save your eligible containers. (You can ask your friends and neighbours to save them for you too!)


Look for the 10c refund label usually found near the bar code on the back, or top for juice boxes. Most aluminium, glass, plastic and liquid paperboard (carton) drink containers between 150mL and 3 litres are eligible. You can keep the lids on as they recycle them too. 


Milk, wine, pure spirit, syrup, and large juice and flavoured milk bottles are not usually eligible, but most beer, tonic water, mineral water and juice box containers have the 10c refund label.


2. Return you recyclables to a Donation CDS refund centre. 


Some refund centres have machines where you must feed each item in one at a time, however our local Southern Cellars in Southern Rd, Heidelberg accept bulk recyclables for donation, so the process is fast and easy. Simply count and write down the total number of items in each group of recyclables: Eg 20 glass bottles, 35 plastic bottles, 20 aluminium cans (don’t squash them), 10 juice boxes. If you have a large number of each, take them in separate containers by these 4 types, so they can just tip into their big bins. 


Other refund centres in the Northern Zone:


3. Nominate Ivanhoe Primary School to receive your donation.


Ask the collection centre to find our School name on their CDS app. They will email you a receipt like the one shown here below. Another plus is that the donation is tax-deductible for you!


Donation Receipt



Donation to

Ivanhoe Primary School

Donation Amount


Donated at

CDS Vic Refund Point



This donation is tax deductible


4. Forward your email receipt to the school.


If you wish, you can forward your receipt to the school email so we can monitor the progress of our fundraising!


Further information on the CDS :


Thank you in advance for supporting our Ivanhoe Primary School Camp Program!