Student Support Groups (SSGs)

Emma Mallia 

Both this week and next, teachers will be facilitating SSG meetings for the students in their class who require considerable adjustments to the curriculum or the environment so that they can successfully participate in school.  During the meeting, the SSG will share how the student is progressing so far this year,  identify their strengths and challenges, and collaborate to establish goals and strategies to support them.   


This term, along with a continued focus on providing social and emotional support, the SSG will also be creating maths goals for students.  Why maths you ask?  This aligns with the work teachers are doing in their Professional Learning Communities (PLCs), where they are conducting an inquiry into an aspect of their maths teaching practice that they can modify in order to better support students’ learning.  Linking our students’ goals with our PLC work provides teachers with time to undertake professional learning in this area, which will ultimately have a greater impact on student success.  We understand that a maths goal may not be appropriate for all students and in these cases the SSG will work together to establish a goal in another subject area.


If you have any questions about the SSGs, please feel free to contact me at at