Willy Kids

Respect    -    Learning    -   Resilience  -  Responsibility 

Term 2 - Willy Kids are Learners

Week 3 & 4: Wonder

Willy Kids Wonder


Active learners ask questions, pose problems and are curious about the world we live in. Curious learners want to find out more and take time to observe the world around us. Open-minded learners consider other possibilities and try to find other points of view.


When we ask questions as learners, we use our creative thinking to come up with new ways to solve problems. We make connections between our ideas, our experiences and our wonderings.


Wondering enables us to pursue our passions, learn more deeply and share our knowledge.


Wondering helps us to:

* stretch our minds

* challenge our thinking

* be creative

* have a growth mindset 

* look for possibilities

* be inquirers 

* think BIG