Community & Partners News
As part of our partnership with Williamstown Primary School, we would also like to take this opportunity to give a discount code that the Williamstown Primary School children can use while signing up to get a 10% saving for Term2.
Please use discount code “WPS242”
Hobsons Bay Libraries
Big Country Games Day invites families to come along and play games from all over Australia. As a part of the Heritage Festival, we will run a circut of active games from First Nations cultures.
Expect skipping, memory games, and more!
The event will take place this Saturday morning at Newport Library. If you have time, please share this link with your school community:
Big Country Games Day - Hobsons Bay
Just a quick email to let you know that Lego Challange has moved to Williamstown Library this term.
Each week, a new challenge is presented for children to build their problem solving skills.
When: Tuesdays, 3.30pm - 4.30pm
Where: Williamstown Library
Link: LEGO Challenge - Hobsons Bay