Curriculum News, Year 4 

Term 2, 2024

Welcome to Term 2. We hope you all had a lovely Easter and great break. 


This term the Year 4 students will participate in the House Cross Country with the opportunity to progress through to Districts and beyond. They will once again have the opportunity to shop at the Mother’s Day stall, run by our wonderful parent volunteers! 


For our ‘Who we are’ unit of inquiry, Mad About Science will visit us at school and provide hands on experiences to support learning about the Human Body. At the end of the term, students will share their knowledge with the school community at their Year 4 Showcase. 

Units Of Inquiry

How the world works

Understanding the way materials behave and interact determines how people use them


Lines of Inquiry

  • The different forms of matter
  • The way matter works
  • The way matter can change
  • The way we use matter

Who we are

The body is made up of different systems that need to be maintained in order to stay healthy.


Lines of Inquiry

  • The body systems and their components
  • The way they work together
  • The way we keep ourselves healthy



We are focusing on open and closed questions and incorporating speech marks, prepositional phrases and homophones into our weekly dictation sessions.


Directed Writing

Students will explore a variety of writing traits as they investigate their chosen body system. Students will also focus on informative writing. 



Students will continue to focus on individual spelling words each week as within the SMART spelling approach.



Shared and individual reading will continue in our class time this term, with a particular focus on reading stamina as part of the Daily 5 & CAFÉ Frameworks. There is a continued expectation that the students read regularly at home, a minimum of three nights. This needs to be recorded in student diaries and signed by parents. Thank you for your ongoing support.


Speaking and Listening

Within this term’s units of inquiry, students will have opportunities to develop their speaking and listening skills. They will create a presentation to share their research during the end of term showcase.



In preparation for earning Pen Licences in Terms 3 and 4, the students will continue to practise letter formation of the Victorian Modern Cursive script.



  • Multiplication and division of numbers by single and multiple digits.


  • Automatic response of numbers using all four operations.
  • Planning and using different methods to solve worded problems using all four processes.


  • Students will focus on timetables, elapsed time and analogue clocks during our applied maths sessions.


  • Maths Games


  • Students will be able to explore and choose appropriate graphical displays to represent data found through a wellbeing activity, reflecting on findings and ways to effectively share information.


  • Symmetry

 Inclusive Approaches

Year 4 we will continue to access lessons through the Resilience Project, the Cybersafety Project and Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships. In Term 2 our whole-school focus will be on the following PYP Learner.

Profile attributes:

April and May: Reflective

June: Communicators


Special Dates:


April 5 – Anzac Day Public Holiday

May 2 – House Cross Country

May 13 – 19 – National Families Week – Homework Free Week

May 29 - Mad about you Science Incursion

June 10 – King’s Birthday Public Holiday

June 11 - 14 – Parent-Teacher Interviews (Date TBC)

June 28 – End of Term 2


We are looking forward to a fantastic term and catching up with you during our Parent/Teacher interviews.


Year 4 Teachers: Ms Claire Badley, Mr Dan Farmer and Ms Donna Carter

