Learning & 


Susanne Jackson

Vice Principal- Learning & Teaching

5 Tips to keep your family safe online

At St Joseph's we use various technology to support our students learning. This includes apps, sites and purchased programs that connect to the student's learning. When using these tools at school students are protected by our online filters and blockers. However, these filters are not always used when students are online at home.


So how can you support your child's cyber safety at home?


1. Start the chat 

Get into the habit of talking about online safety as a family, so your child feels comfortable coming to you if they ever need help working out an issue. It’s never too early to introduce good online habits such as respect, empathy, critical thinking, responsible behaviour and resilience. 


2. Create a family technology agreement 

Creating a Family Technology Agreement can help you and your kids decide together when and how digital technology will be used at home. As a family, brainstorm easy-to-follow rules and display them where everyone will see them. Your agreement could cover things like: time limits, apps your kids are allowed to use and online behaviour. 


3. Set up parental controls 

Parental controls let you monitor and limit what your child sees and does online. It’s best to use them in combination with the other online safety strategies listed here. To get started use esafety guides to set up parental controls on devices and accounts or in social media, games and apps. 


4. Choose games and other apps carefully 

Use eSafety’s App checklist for parents to think about the positives and negatives when your child asks to download a new game or other app. The checklist covers things like age ratings, managing privacy settings and reporting abuse in-app.  


5. Use digital technology together 

Exploring or playing on devices or online with your child can be a positive experience that promotes learning and development. Ask questions, be curious and get involved. 


Don't forget we have an online cyber safety parent session tonight. We are asking all parents to attend to ensure we can continue to work in partnership to keep your children safe when online.

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