Diary Dates
Please see below some important dates coming up in the near future that you may wish to pop into your diary.
Please note:
If you click on the events which are underlined, it will take you to the school calendar on the website where you can add the event straight to your calendar.
Friday 10th May
District Cross Country
Wednesday 15th May
School Council Meeting 6.00pm
Thursday 16th May
Whole School Maths day
Monday 20th May
Curriculum Day-Pupil Free Day
Thursday 23rd May
Division Cross Country
Monday 27th May
PFA Meeting 7.30pm
Friday 31st May
Australia's Biggest Morning Tea &
Cupcake Sale
Monday 10th June
King's Birthday Holiday-no school
Friday 28th June
Last Day of Term
-early dismissal 2.30pm