Student of the Week

Award being presented: Friday 10th May 2024

00ANomination 1: Harry - for all the effort you have been putting into your learning! I am so proud of your ‘can do’ attitude. You are demonstrating what it means to be a good learner. Great work Harry!
Nomination 2: Eleanor - for being such a kind, responsible member of Prep A. Your willingness to help your peers is admirable, consistently demonstrating our school's values. You are a superstar Eleanor!



Nomination 1: Havanna - for being a super mathematician. You did such an amazing job finding different shapes around the classroom using your different shape magnifying glasses. You are a superstar Havanna!
Nomination 2: Caleb - for your amazing ‘All About Me’ bag presentation. We loved hearing all about the different places each member of your family was born and seeing all of your family pictures. Your enthusiasm is infectious Caleb, well done!
00CNomination 1: Evie - for always striving to be the best learner you can be. You always give new tasks and give your best effort to ensure it is neat and presented nicely. Keep up the amazing effort!
Nomination 2: Daniel - for consistently displaying our school values. You are always respectful and strive to be the best learner you can be! Keep up the awesome work Daniel!
00DNomination 1: Harper - for showing amazing resilience and continuing to be a superstar learner despite having a fractured hand! Awesome Harper, you didn’t let it stop you doing any activity! 
Nomination 2: Harrison - for always contributing enthusiastically to our class discussions. You confidently share your knowledge and thoughts with the class, and add interesting information to any topic! Fantastic Harrison! 
1ANomination 1: Tucker - for your insightful comments during Literacy sessions.  We love hearing what you have to say and your emotional intelligence is beautiful.  Thank you for sharing so much with us, Tucker. 
Nomination 2: Olivia - for pushing yourself to use your voice and be heard.  It is so exciting to hear you get more confident and cheeky.  Keep it up, Olivia! 





Nomination 1: Benjamin - nominated by our class for filling so many buckets. Your kindness and inclusivity makes everyone in our class feel good. You always offer a helping hand to others and we are just so lucky to have you in our class.
Nomination 2: Annabelle - for your enthusiasm and effort during Turn and Talk. You demonstrate Respectful and Responsible choices by looking at your partner, using a clear voice when talking and making sure you stay on topic as you take turns to talk and listen. Well done on being a great role model!
1CNomination 1: Ezra - for blowing me away with your phonogram knowledge in our spelling words. You have been so excited to share the spelling rules with the class, and help me to mark them! I am so proud of you. Well done and keep up the great work!
Nomination 2: Onaara - for always being so Respectful and Responsible towards our classroom learning environment.  You are always willing to help and tidy up, so that we are ready to learn. We are so lucky to have you in 1C. I am so proud of you. Thank you and well done!



Nomination 1: Raven - for contributing such clever and insightful ideas in our morning book study group. You blew me away with your prediction about the Littlest Glow Worm. Keep up the great work!  
Nomination 2: Aurelia - for a wonderful Star of the week presentation. Thank you for creating such an engaging and creative poster. 
1ENomination 1: Riya - for always being a fantastic classmate. You participate in class discussions and answer questions and are always helping out your peers. Well done Riya!
Nomination 2: Lewis - for your excellent work in Maths. You are eager to learn, always participate in discussions and answer any questions. Keep it up Lewis!




Nomination 1: Kayley - you have been nominated by 2A for being kind, helping others, always sharing your things, being a good listener and letting people play with you even when you are playing with other friends. Great Job Kayley!
Nomination 2: Tobias - for always coming into class with a big smile and ready to learn. Keep up the great work Tobias!



Nomination 1:
Nomination 2: 
2CNomination 1: Mason H - nominated by his classmates for being a terrific learner, with great Maths skills. They also love how good at sport you are. We are all glad you are in our class!
Nomination 2: Mia S - for trying so hard to improve her pencil grip. Your commitment and determination to always use your pencil grip tool is paying off! Keep up this great effort, Mia.
2DNomination 1: Delia C - nominated by her classmates for being a kind, caring and inclusive classmate who likes to tell jokes and a smart and dedicated learner.
Nomination 2: Luna Q - for her thoughtful and caring behaviour in the classroom and playground and for the way she tackles learning in a considered and positive way.



Nomination 1: Riley M-H - nominated by her peers for making lots of new friends and being inclusive of others in the yard.
Nomination 2: Isla M - nominated by her peers for helping someone when they had a friendship fire with another friend.
3BNomination 1: Madeline - for reading so fluently during talking buddies. Well done on doing SO well that even your peers have noticed and acknowledged your confidence. 
Nomination 2: Samuel - for always giving such genuine compliments to others. You are a ray of sunshine in 3B this year.



Nomination 1:  Mack D - Nominated by your peers for being respectful of your peers, encouraging our learning and supporting us when we need it.
Nomination 2: Joseph T - for always sharing your joy or music with the class. It is awesome to see you champion your passions in a respectful and responsible way. Never lose that spark. It is amazing!
4ANomination 1: Simon - Nominated by 4A for always being a great friend to everyone, helping others with their work and showing sportsmanship during recess and lunch. We are so lucky to have you in 4A!
Nomination 2: Ava - for working hard on your persuasive writing pieces. You included lots of evidence as to why Winter is the best season and used a variety of persuasive devices such as rhetorical questions and exaggeration. Keep up the amazing work!
4BNomination 1:  Cameron - for being a respectful and engaged learner. Your classmates recognize the way you are always listening and being inclusive of everyone.
Nomination 2: Dawnga - for his amazing commitment to his reading response entries. The class has been amazed by the detail in your summaries and how neatly you write what you've learnt after each reading session.
5ANomination 1: 
Nomination 2: 
5BNomination 1: Lachie H- for demonstrating excellent work habits and being willing to answer questions and become involved in class discussions.
Nomination 2: Indigo M - for being an outstanding contributor and demonstrating her best learning.



Nomination 1Kieran B - for working hard during our reading and grammar sessions and helping others develop their understanding. Well done buddy!
Nomination 2: Kyuss - for persisting and displaying determination during writing tasks. You continue to improve because of your amazing effort! Great job!




Nomination 1: FReese L - for showing a high level of personal organisation and following through on finishing work at home. Thanks for being so reliable!
Nomination 2: Daniel Z -for writing with passion and enthusiasm and always making an effort with the vocabulary he uses in his writing. 
6BNomination 1: Emilie - for her emotional and thought provoking writing from the perspective of a nurse during the war. Wonderful work!
Nomination 2:  Chloe - for her descriptive and thought provoking writing from the perspective of a soldier during the war. Fantastic work!
6CNomination 1: Esther S - for her academic growth in English.  I love reading your text responses to our class novel and your writing has improved to the next level.  Well done!
Nomination 2: Khup - for writing an excellent historical and emotional narrative about a soldier's adventure during WW1.  



Nomination 1: Elise M (4B) - For putting effort and showing high resilience in learning Indonesian. Keep it up, Elise!
Nomination 2: Cameron E (4B) - Cam, you are always showing Bu Sia nothing is impossible. Your learning attitude is bagus!
EALNomination 1: Shanvi 1C - What an amazing effort in EAL this week Shanvi! Your confidence to share ideas has guided and helped others in the group. Keep up the great work!
Nomination 2: Suan Pi 3A - Suan Pi, I am so proud of your responsible, respectful behaviour in EAL this week! Thank you for your hard work and your positive attitude! 

Visual Arts 



Nomination 1: All of 4A for an excellent lesson on Mark Making. Everyone contributed to the class discussion to get the ideas flowing and then concentrated hard on creating as many different marks as possible. Well done on being great Learners!
Nomination 2:
Physical Education Nomination 1: Tessa L (0B) for displaying such beautiful manners and being so encouraging.
Nomination 2: Yvette M (4A) for always offering to help out and being a fantastic assistance when packing up. 

Science & Technology



Nomination 1: Zaiden - for the absolutely amazing concentration and skill you have been demonstrating during coding classes with Indi.
Nomination 2: Khloe L - for working really hard during coding sessions independently due to both of your group members being away for two weeks!