Being a parent can be very challenging. It’s the toughest job in the world. However, there are reasons why it is/can be lots of fun. Here are a few that you might agree with and chuckle over, created by Polly Logan-Banks.
- Discovering all the special characteristics that make your little one unique: fat toes, sticky-out ears, hair that sticks up no matter how much it's brushed.
- Taking millions of pictures, but never getting around to creating an album.
- Developing a new family language as your toddler talks about 'scissoring' the lawn or asks for a 'bikkit'.
- Knowing the right things to say and the best way to help when friends have a baby.
- Watching Nana and Grandad spoil their little treasure rotten.
- Joining in toddler pleasures like squeezing play dough in your hands, scrunching through autumn leaves or jumping in puddles.
- Discovering they've inherited your love of music or your interest in racing cars.
- Even better, discovering they have totally different talents like dancing or painting. Where did that come from?
- Waking up to a sloppy kiss from your toddler.
- Rediscovering simple pleasures - brightly coloured flowers, the softness of a cat's fur or the feel of sand between your toes.
- Discovering the pleasures of three in a bed, or having your little one all to yourself.
- Enjoying the chance to be really silly again.
- Trying to answer those awkward questions: Do fish sleep? Why is the sky blue?
- Relishing the moment when they first say, "I love you!"
- Re-discovering how brilliant are children's books.
- Having a big bubble bath together.
- Learning how to multi-task.
- Seeing them gaze at a caterpillar or stare transfixed into a rockpool.
- Seeing your values – kindness and honesty – rub off on them.
- Enjoying making up with a hug and kiss once a tantrum is over.
- Going to a kids' film and not being the only unaccompanied adult in the queue!
- Finding out that bringing up children gives your life a new sense of focus.
- Crying when you drop your child for the first time. Then bursting with pride when you pick them up and realise they haven't missed you at all.
- Keeping all their best artwork and turning your kitchen into your own gallery.
- Hearing your child say "Mum" or "Dad" and realising they’re talking to YOU!
Toast Tuesday: Our free Toast Tuesday program runs from 8.30 until start of school.
Toast Tuesday Roster: The roster for this term is almost filled. Thanks everyone: If you would like help out], please go to the link for available dates.
Our second-hand uniform stock is also available for gold coin donations. We are also aiming to build up our emergency food supplies if you ever have some extra to spare.
Contact: You can email me, phone me or see me at school on my days listed below.
Fun Facts for Kids:
Did you know If you could travel at the speed of light, you would never get any older?!
Sounds good …
Alan Silverwood: Chaplain - Pastoral care for our community. [Tuesday, Friday]
[] Supporting the School community in emotional, social, spiritual and practical wellbeing.
Our Chaplaincy program is funded by the Federal Government’s ‘National Student Wellbeing Program’, the GRPS School Council and donations.