Chaplains Spot

‘Why it’s fun to be a parent’

Being a parent can be very challenging. It’s the toughest job in the world. However, there are reasons why it is/can be lots of fun. Here are a few that you might agree with and chuckle over, created by Polly Logan-Banks. 


  1. Discovering all the special characteristics that make your little one unique: fat toes, sticky-out ears, hair that sticks up no matter how much it's brushed.
  2. Taking millions of pictures, but never getting around to creating an album.
  3. Developing a new family language as your toddler talks about 'scissoring' the lawn or asks for a 'bikkit'.
  4. Knowing the right things to say and the best way to help when friends have a baby.
  5. Watching Nana and Grandad spoil their little treasure rotten.
  6. Joining in toddler pleasures like squeezing play dough in your hands, scrunching through autumn leaves or jumping in puddles.
  7. Discovering they've inherited your love of music or your interest in racing cars.
  8. Even better, discovering they have totally different talents like dancing or painting. Where did that come from?
  9. Waking up to a sloppy kiss from your toddler.
  10. Rediscovering simple pleasures - brightly coloured flowers, the softness of a cat's fur or the feel of sand between your toes.
  11. Discovering the pleasures of three in a bed, or having your little one all to yourself.
  12. Enjoying the chance to be really silly again.
  13. Trying to answer those awkward questions: Do fish sleep? Why is the sky blue?
  14. Relishing the moment when they first say, "I love you!"
  15. Re-discovering how brilliant are children's books.
  16. Having a big bubble bath together.
  17. Learning how to multi-task. 
  18. Seeing them gaze at a caterpillar or stare transfixed into a rockpool.
  19. Seeing your values – kindness and honesty – rub off on them.
  20. Enjoying making up with a hug and kiss once a tantrum is over.
  21. Going to a kids' film and not being the only unaccompanied adult in the queue!
  22. Finding out that bringing up children gives your life a new sense of focus.
  23. Crying when you drop your child for the first time. Then bursting with pride when you pick them up and realise they haven't missed you at all.
  24. Keeping all their best artwork and turning your kitchen into your own gallery.
  25. Hearing your child say "Mum" or "Dad" and realising they’re talking to YOU!


Toast Tuesday: Our free Toast Tuesday program runs from 8.30 until start of school. 

Toast Tuesday Roster: The roster for this term is almost filled. Thanks everyone: If you would like help out], please go to the link for available dates.

Our second-hand uniform stock is also available for gold coin donations. We are also aiming to build up our emergency food supplies if you ever have some extra to spare. 


Contact:  You can email me, phone me or see me at school on my days listed below.

Fun Facts for Kids:

Did you know If you could travel at the speed of light, you would never get any older?!

Sounds good …


Alan Silverwood: Chaplain - Pastoral care for our community. [Tuesday, Friday]

[] Supporting the School community in emotional, social, spiritual and practical wellbeing. 




Our Chaplaincy program is funded by the Federal Government’s ‘National Student Wellbeing Program’, the GRPS School Council and donations.