Teaching & Learning

Year 10 2024


We are continuing our preparations for the academic year in 2024. As part of these preparations we have visited our prospective Year 10 students at their current schools to complete learning profiles and understand their educational and wellbeing needs. In response to this, we have created semester subjects to cater to the diverse learners that we are welcoming into our school community. A digital copy of this subject selection booklet will be sent to families in Week 2 of Term 4 with elective subject choices due back at the end of Week 3. 


Eligible students interested in completing early commencement VCE will be receiving an email with a link to a video recording of the Virtual Schools Victoria (VSV) information session. This will allow families to gain a deeper understanding of the VCE process in partnership with VSV. Students will elect early access Business Management Unit 1 or Biology Unit 1 through the subject selection process in lieu of two elective semester units in 2024. Applications for early commencement VCE will be due back at the start of Week 3 Term 4.



Year 7 2024


The transition process for students in Year 6 enrolled at Bemin Secondary College for 2024 is underway with school visits scheduled. In these school visits the Principal- Joanne Camozzato and I will be talking to prospective students about beginning secondary school. Part of these visits will include completing learner profiles to gauge student interests, learning styles, areas for improvement and accommodations to learning programs. We are excited to welcome our students into their secondary schooling. 


We wish our families a refreshed welcome back to Term 4.


Warm regards,

Sandale Ambegoda

Assistant Principal- Teaching & Learning