Awards & Recognitions

Empowering Global Citizens

Students of the Week

Monday the 9th October

Name  GradeComment     
Astrea06AAstrea is always committed to her learning and has demonstrated great development of her writing skills in creating narrative texts that she should be very proud of. Well done Astrea!  
Jason06Bdemonstrating a positive attitude to learning by always striving to do his best and asking questions to clarify his understanding.  Keep up the great work Jason!    
Alexander04BFor displaying a willingness to extend his learning in Numeracy by solving multiplication and division problems using the area strategy.       
Artemis04A Doing an amazing job of improving her reading and comprehension. By maintaining home reading and actively participating in guided reading sessions. Congratulations Artemis!
Dnilson06AIt has been such a pleasure to teach Dnilson throughout the year, he continuously shows an eagerness to absorb knowledge and takes every advantage to learn something new.    
Thomas00BAlways listening in the classroom when someone is speaking and asking great questions to help with his learning. Keep up the amazing work Thomas!      
Declan03BDemonstrating the value of learning by problem solving and challenging himself when working on multiplication problems during numeracy sessions. Great job Declan! 
Liam05A working hard to complete all tasks in Italian to a high standard and help others when needed. You always persist with what you are working on and this is demonstrated in the activities you complete. Bravissimo Liam!
Delio05AHis enthusiasm and persistence to aim for accuracy when taking part in the oral construction of a discussion text. Keep it up Delio!       
Lucian00Ataking pride in his learning by asking questions and consistently trying his best across all subject areas. Excellent work Lucian!       
Neo05BFor expressing his curiosity and wonderings during class discussions and sharing his ideas and understandings confidently. He reflects on our efforts and enjoys giving feedback. Congratulations Neo!
Edward05BEdward was able to demonstrate his learning through the competition of his artwork to a high standard.          
Aarav02Bfor the determination you showed in your literacy learning this week. You tried hard and did a great job with reading your orientation to the grade. Congratulations Aarav, keep it up!  
Timothy02ACongratulations Timothy on the fabulous work you have done this week. You have shared your knowledge and ideas with your classmates and tried hard in all areas of your learning. Keep up the great work Timothy!
Anthony06Cshowing his knowledge of factual narrative by contributing to the lesson run by Mr Graham. Keep up the good work Anthony.        
Philip01Aalways tuning in to whole class discussions and putting effort into finishing activities. It is great to see you participating more in the lessons and doing your best in your bridges. Well done Philip! 
Javier01Bbeing an excellent scuba diver in our production performance. Amazing Effort Javier!
Louis01ALouis always puts his best effort into his Leaning in Physical Education. He is self-motivated and always attends P.E. with a positive attitude. Congratulations Louis!    




Monday 9th October



Monday 9th October