School-wide Positive Behaviour 

Strengthening Resilience Through Gratitude


An important part of social and emotional learning programs at Mackellar is the ongoing learning about our school values and how they make a very real difference to our lives.  On the first day back after school holidays, teachers engage students to explore the value of resilience, and how gratitude can strengthen their ability to be resilient when they face challenges, such as the first day back. 


Most adults can relate to the challenges of returning to structured routines the first day back after a holiday or break, and teachers understand that students can also experience emotional challenges when they return to the structure of school life following holidays.  Bouncing back isn't always easy after many days of sleep-ins, 'free time' and an abundance of play and choice.  When it all comes to a sudden halt, children can struggle emotionally and feel anxious at times.


Acknowledging the various challenges of returning to structure and routine after a holiday is an authentic opportunity to highlight the connection between resilience and gratitude.  Children have opportunities to express how they feel, and why, and focus on how they may choose to embrace gratitude as a way to be resilient.


Overtime, students build a personal toolkit of strategies to draw upon when faced with similar challenges.  They develop awareness that they are not alone in their thoughts or difficulties, and they are able to share ideas and learn strategies to adopt an 'attitude of gratitude'.  Students also learn that if we are feeling down or overwhelmed, it can be easy to get caught up in negative thoughts and emotions. By focusing on the things we are grateful for, we can shift our attention away from these negative thoughts and towards a more positive outlook. Students are supported to develop perspective as they consider helpful and unhelpful thoughts.  They consider what they feel grateful for in their lives.  Students are given time to reconnect with peers, reflect on happy memories and achievements from the previous term, and discuss what they have to look forward to at school in the new term. 


Here are some displays of gratitude and resilience from the first lesson after the holidays.


Tanya Lindsay-Clark

SWPB anMental Health and Wellbeing