What's been happening in our classroom. 

Grade Prep 

WOW, last term in grade prep. The students started the term continuing their prep routines and this time they are able to do it all independently, YAY go preps. They have grown a little bit taller and have become more responsible for their learning. 


In Literacy, students have also been working hard, and practising their sight words daily which is reflected in their reading, spelling and writing. They have been reading many books and been identifying the main character and sequencing the story in order. They have been also focusing on non-fiction and fiction books. The students have also started to look at how to write a recount which we will be focusing on for the rest of this term. 


In Numeracy, students have applied their skills of addition and subtraction through real life stories and problems. They are becoming curious learners as they make connections between maths concepts and the real world. They have been practising their addition and subtraction skills by using concrete materials like counters, 10s charts and their part-part -whole template. 


Last week we have been looking at the new homework matrix. The students got to explore what the new homework looks like and got to use the app 'Showbie' where they can share their homework with their peers on there. Students will need to read for 5-10 minutes everyday and record it in their diaries, complete one of the matrix tasks and send it on 'Showbie' and practise their spelling words. They students have been so excited about the new homework this term and they can't wait to share it on 'Showbie' so their peers and teachers can see it.

Some photos of this week