October's Whole School Events

We are very excited about three events in October that involve education, safety awareness and/or celebration as well as 'dressing up', or wearing special colours.


Italian Cultural Celebration - Wednesday 18th October

Time:  9.00am to 11.00am

Wear:  Italian colours to school (green, white and red) or an Italian character

Further information about Italian food and prices will be provided via XUNO.

Day for Daniel - Monday 23rd October 

Wear RED to school

Mackellar will be observing 'Day for Daniel' - Australia's largest child safety education and awareness day which not only honours the memory of Daniel Morcombe but also ensures an ongoing awareness program for child safety.  On this day, all classes will conduct a lesson based around Safety Helpers, which is someone that a child feels safe around.  Daniel was a boy who was unaware of his safety network and the places he could go to get the help that he needed. He entered a stranger's car.  His parents couldn't find him and they were really worried about him. 


Daniel was wearing red on the day that he was lost, and this is why we encourage children to wear red. Also on this day, an officer from the Victorian Police will be attending our Monday morning assembly who will discuss safety networks students can access for help when they feel unsafe. 


We encourage all students to WEAR RED to school on Monday 23rd October.

Halloween Costume Day and Funky Monkey Disco - Friday 27th October

Please bring a gold coin to school.


Disco schedule:

Prep to Grade 3:  3.45pm to 4.30pm 

Grade 4 to Grade 6:  4.45pm to 5.45pm

Wear:   To make the most of our disco evening, we are encouraging all students to wear a Halloween costume to school, or similar kind of outfit.  


Funky Monkey Disco is yet another wonderful memory of fun and laughter for our students. It is also an exciting opportunity for children to socialise with students from  other classes within their age group, whether in Grade Prep to 3 for the first disco or Grade 4 to 6 for the second disco starting at 4.45pm to 5.45pm.


Although there is no payment required for the disco, we are requesting that students please bring a gold coin to school for the Halloween dress up day which will assist our school to fund the amazing children's DJ for the evening and other Term 4 events.  


Can you spot the member of staff at last year's Halloween disco?

Term 4 Lunchtime Clubs - Menu of Choices

Lunchtime Clubs at Mackellar is an important part of our whole school Wellbeing program.  Clubs is one of the many factors that builds a sense of belonging for children in a positive school community.  The activities we offer are based on student surveys where every students across the school has had an opportunity to voice their ideas and preferences for specific clubs.  Clubs is a strong builder of social and emotional learning skills as students with shared interests connect with children from other grades and year levels.  They really enjoy having a menu of choices about how they may spend their unstructured time.  


Clubs start at the beginning of lunchtime and finish at 2.05pm.  This means that students still have a chance to enjoy unstructured time outdoors.  


Here is our Term 4 timetable that is promoted in all classrooms.