PIPS Camp 2024

In November 2024, VAPS will run a PIPS Camp.
Express interest via this form - please note we ran out of available places at the camp last year. Please register early.
In November 2023, VAPS held its first Philosophy Camp.
The camp was attended by 6 different schools and was hosted at the Narmbool Lodge, maintained by Sovereign Hill. Narbool is primarily a science and environmental camp program. VAPS collaborated with Sovereign Hill educators on programming, with educators providing stimuli and VAPS leaders then facilitating philosophical communities of inquiry about that stimuli.
In 2024 we look to build on this and expand our offering even further.
We will run this camp from 18-22 Novemeber in Ballarat. The cost for this camp will be subsidised - school will not pay full cost.
VAPS will provide documentation, including camp details, itinerary, risk register, and risk assessments. This will allow you to present to your principal / school council for approval with little work involved.
Each school will only require 1 staff member to attend, as we will meet minimum ratios as a collective group (this saves your school money for time in lieu for DE schools).
Please register your interest via this form.