Our Star awards...

You're a Star Awards for Week 9 of Term 3 were awarded at assembly on 8 September:

FNWilla SFor her amazing performance at the concert and using her listening ears on our excursion. Super work Willa!
FHThomas M For always having a go with his writing and using beautiful neat handwriting. You're a champion Thomas!
FBAmelie HFor your amazing attitude and upbeat personality this week! We love seeing your smile at school!
FWSam KFor your awesome performance at the school concert and challenging yourself in all writing tasks!
1PEmilly AFor being enthusiastic, positive and excited about performing at our concert. Well done Emily! 
1JJimmy PFor using exciting words and lots of description in your concert recount!
1SMax LFor being brave and remaining positive about performing at the concert, and putting his best effort into creating a unique and interesting concert recount!
1WFlynn EFor his detailed reflection about the school concert. Great work Flynn!
2GTaylor SFor being a confident and helpful dance leader at the concert.
2MJackson MFor being a responsible student who consistently shows integrity and 100% effort.
2NHenry FFor consistently showing he is ready to learn and striving to improve in all areas of work.
2TJoseph HFor writing a fantastic recount about the concert. Well done Joe!
2TAsher HFor writing a detailed recount about the concert. Well done Asher!
3BEric LFor being a fantastic SRC rep and a wonderful member of 3B. Best of luck at your new school! We'll miss you!
3HBodhi OFor making meaningful contributions to class discussions about our novel study Wind in the Willows. Well done!
3JLachlan BFor providing lots of evidence from the story when answering questions about The Wind in the Willows.
3JAlexander MFor coming up with many great adjectives to describe Mr Toad. A great drawing too! 
3RJosie NFor an outstanding effort performing at the Palais Theatre!
4BEmily MFor her outstanding creative writing skills displayed in her narrative.
4DAsher JFor your smiley and kind nature that you bring to school every day. Thanks for being an amazing asset to our class.
4DLuca FFor your wonderful presentation, you put in a great amount of effort and showed that you are a great team player. Well done!
4PAsher JFor writing a great narrative that included fantastic use of Tier 2 vocabulary as well as short & long sentences for excitement and detail.
4SXander HFor your wonderful enthusiasm during all concert practices and on the night you were amazing!!
4SJuniper WFor the focus and attitude during all writing sessions and passion to create a quality story.
5GJames BFor his well written responses to comprehension questions based on our mentor text ' A Lost Thing'.
5GApril CFor her excellent contribution to class discussions demonstrating a great understanding of our mentor text 'A Lost Thing'.
5HArthur RFor his positive attitude, enthusiasm and eagerness to participate in all classroom discussions. Well done! 
5OAdi RFor always displaying an eagerness to learn and writing in depth answers to questions during classroom tasks. 
5RRyusei OFor wearing a smile to school everyday, making all his peers laugh and having fun all the time! You are a great person to be around Ryusei!
5SLennox  G-NFor his magnificent focus, hard work and detailed Genius Hour Project - "Do world flags hold a hidden meaning?"
6CAmy BFor always presenting her work to a high standard. Keep it up Amy!
6MChristian BFor being a fantastic Parkdale Ambassador at the Athletics Australia National Cross Country Championships. Well done Christian! 
6RCruz WFor the energy and enthusiasm you brought to our performance and the respect you show to your peers!


You're a Star Awards for Week 10 of Term 3 were awarded at assembly on 15 September:

FNAva JFor being brave and politely asking if she can join other children's games. Super work Ava!
FHIsla BFor always having a go and trying your best when things are a challenge.  You're a star. 
FBElsie PFor always being inclusive, kind, and friendly to everyone. You're a champ!!
FWLara PFor always bringing a positive attitude to school and being friendly to all her class mates.
1PArthur JFor making our start to each day so positive with your enthusiastic morning greetings that are delivered with such a big smile! 
1JShahab EFor always trying your best at everything you do with a positive attitude and big smile on your face!
1STed MFor his positive attitude and enthusiasm at our Junior School Sports Day! Amazing effort Ted!
1WNate BFor his excellent sportsmanship on Athletics Day! You're a Star Nate!
2GDanny SFor your detailed and interesting concert recount writing. Well done Danny!
2MRosie MFor a super effort with planning and writing her persuasive letter this week.
2NIssy SFor always sharing your great ideas and thoughts with such enthusiasm during our class discussions.
2THeidi WFor working hard across all learning areas and being a kind class member. 
3BElla RFor always trying her best and having a positive mindset. Awesome work Ella!
3BAbigail FFor being an amazing member of 3B! We will miss you Abi!
3HOtis EFor being a wonderful member of 3H and an excellent student who should be proud of his efforts this year. We will miss you!
3JEmmalin BFor writing an excellent 'opinion' text that included fantastic evidence to support her thoughts. 
3JHarvey JFor his well-written 'opinion' text about why Toad best represents irresponsibility.
3RTeagan NFor consistently working hard on all tasks presented!
3RJasmine BFor always being a superstar and completing all set tasks to the best of her ability!
4BSiena RFor enthusiastically embracing all camp activities and challenges.
4BJacob FFor taking on all camp challenges with great enthusiasm and for supporting his peers.
4DFlorence HFor your determination to try things new and challenging things at camp! Well done Florrie!
4DRicky CFor giving everything a go during our Forest Edge camp! Thanks for being such a fun person to be around.
4PPoppy BFor having a go at different camp activities this week with great enthusiasm.
4PHenry GFor fully embracing all camp experiences & the challenges of having leeches to deal with on our bushwalk! 
4SClementine S     For being such a bright spark everyday and making everyone happier while in your presence.
4SCharlie PFor being an amazingly positive member of our class and being a star on camp.
5GGrace RFor her excellent job in researching and presenting your 'Genius Hour' project question in a fun and engaging way. Awesome Job!
5HSamuel NFor his informative and engaging 'Genius Hour' project. Congratulations! 
5HIndi HFor consistently showing kindness, empathy and integrity. Well done Indi! 
5OMackenzie C   For your detailed and wonderfully presented 'Genius Hour' project. Well done!
5OKade McCFor your improvement in working co-operatively with others and showing maturity.
5ROlive EFor having a wonderful last week at PPS and enjoying every last moment with her best friends! We will miss you Olive.
5SEla SFor the originality she had in presenting her 'Genius Hour' Project - such a creative and informative way!
5SLucas HFor his detailed and fascinating presentation about the Trojan War as his 'Genius Hour' Project.
6BEden RFor giving up her time to assist with the F-2 Sports day.
6BMason MFor working diligently to identify the 'Mystery Footballer' and his excellent behaviour in the classroom.
6CRyan MFor working hard in the classroom and maintaining focus during learning time. Well done! 
6MZoe HFor having a positive attitude towards all of her learning and persevering when faced with a challenge. Well done Zoe!
6RFreya LFor demonstrating a deep understanding of the literacy devices taught throughout the 'Magician's Nephew unit.