Upcoming Important Dates and Information 

Term 3

Friday 15th September- 1.00pm Dismisal 

Last day of term 3.

The last day of school for Term 3  is Friday, 15th September . Students will finish school on this day at 1.00pm.


Term 4

Monday 2nd October

Term 4 Begins Monday 2nd of October at 8.40am


Wednesday 4th October

Year 6 Wyndham Division Volleyball

After winning the Truganina District competiton in the Term 2 Interschool Sport Gala Day, the selected students will be participating in the Year 6 Wyndham Division Volleyball competiton on Wednesday October 4th (Week 1 Term 4) against other students from within the Wyndham Division Primary Schools.


Monday 9th October

Year 7 Destination Moon and Beyond Workshop

Students will gain an appreciation of astronomy and gain insight into our place in the Universe. Students will participate in the workshop


Monday 30th October to Wednesday 1st November

Year 5 Camp at Grantville Lodge

The Grade 5 Camp at Grantville Lodge is an adventure camp where students stretch their boundaries with challenging activities and continue to use their skills in cooperation and teamwork. The students will be staying for 2 nights and 3 days. They will travel by bus to the campsite.


Friday 3rd November

Year 7 Western Metropolitian Region Tennis Tournament.

Monday 6th November

Student Free Day-No Students at School.


Tuesday 7th November

Public Holiday - Melbounre Cup

School Closed

Thursday 9th November

Prep to Year 2 Kaboom Kids Sports

Kaboom Kid Sports is a program that focuses on creating and delivering tabloid sports experiences that cater for all students. On 9th November, they will be running a program at school for our Years Prep-2 students. 

This day will serve as as a sneak-peak to an athletics day where students will participate in different activities and work as teams to compete to the best of their abilities. The cohorts will be going out at the following times:

Year 2 - 8.55am - 10.05am

Year 1 - 10.10am -11.20am

Prep - 12:00pm - 1:15pm.